man dh-make-perl (Commandes) - Create debian source packages from perl modules


dh-make-perl - Create debian source packages from perl modules


dh-make-perl [SOURCE_DIR | --cpan MODULE]

You can modify dh-make-perl's behaviour with some switches:

Uses the argument to --desc as short description for the package.
--arch any | all
This switches between arch-dependent and arch-independet packages. If --arch isn't used, dh-make-perl uses a relatively good-working algorithms to decide this alone.
--version VERSION
Specifies the version of the resulting package.
--cpan-mirror MIRROR
Specifies a CPAN site to use as mirror.
--exclude | -i [REGEX]
This allows you to specify a PCRE to exclude some files from the search for docs and stuff like that. If no argument is given, it uses a default to exclude CVS and .svn directories.
Builds the package after setting it up
Installs the freshly built package. Specifying --install implies --build - The package will not be installed unless it was built (obviously ;-) )
Does not run the automatic testing of the module as part of the build script. This is mostly useful when packaging buggy or incomplete software.


dh-make-perl will create the files required to build a debian source package out of a perl package. This works for most simple packages and is also useful for getting started with packaging perl modules.

You can specify a module name with the --cpan switch and dh-make-perl will download the module for you from a CPAN mirror, or you can specify the directory with the already unpacked sources. If neither --cpan nor a directory is given as argument, dh-make-perl tries to create a perl package from the data in .

There is an override mechanism in place to handle most of the little changes that may be needed for some modules (this hasn't been tested much, though, and the override database needs to be filled in).

You can build and install the debian package using the --build and --install command line switches.

Using this program is no excuse for not reading the debian developer documentation, including the Debian policy, the perl policy, the packaging manual and so on.


The following directories will be searched to find additional files required by dh-make-perl:

* overrides
File that overrides information retreived (or guessed) about the package. All the files in the library directories are loaded: entries in the home take precedence. See the distributed overrides file for usage information.
* rules.MakeMaker.noxs
A debian/rules makefile for modules that use ExtUtils::MakeMaker, but don't have C/XS code.
* rules.MakeMaker.xs
A debian/rules makefile for modules that use ExtUtils::MakerMaker and C/XS code.
* rules.Module-Build.noxs
A debian/rules makefile for modules that use Module::Build, but don't have C/XS code.
* rules.Module-Build.xs
A debian/rules makefile for modules that use Module::Build and C/XS code.


HOME - get user's home directory

DEBFULLNAME - get the real name of the maintainer

LOGNAME or USER - get the username

DEBEMAIL or EMAIL - get the email address of the user


Several, let me know when you find them.


Paolo Molaro <> (MIA)

Maintained for a time by Ivan Kohler <>.

Maintained for a time by Marc Brockschmdit <>.

Now maintained by Gunnar Wolf <>.

Patches from: Gergely Nagy <> Adrian Phillips <> Ton Nijkes <> Matt Hope <> Juerd <> Christian Kurz <> David Pashley <> Edward Betts <>