man dmachinemon-servent (Commandes) - hybrid node/master program for storing machine status


dmachinemon-servent - hybrid node/master program for storing machine status


dmachinemon-servent [options]


A hybrid master and client node for dmachinemon system, holding the status of all machines, and accepting information from nodes.


--clientport|-c [port number for clients]
The port number a dmachinemon-gtkiface or a dmachinemon-htmloutput program may connect to.
--nodeport [upstream port number]
The port number for the upstream. servent connects using this port, and other servent will connect to the system through this port. This value needs to be consistent throughout the cluster system.
--parent [parent host name]
The name of the master node, or an intermediate servent system. Not required for the master node.
--sleep|-s [wait time]
The amount of time to wait for individual access in seconds.
--layers|-l [number of layers]
The number of layers the information available at this node will be passed on to. Default value is 0 and it means that information is always relayed upwards.

This parameter limits that behavior, so that it is possible to create large networks without having concerns about overloaded uplink.

--maxreconnect|-m [number of reconnect to allow]
The number of times servent will try to reconnect before giving up
--dieonload|-d [max load average]
The node will die when load average exceeds the specified value.
--Downlinknum|-D [number of downlink]
The number of downlinks a host will serve until it will start trying to relink.
dumps the current list of options configured by the command-line. This exists for diagnostic purposes.
--verbose|-v [verbosity level]
sets the verbosity level, default is 1. Increase to get more debug information.

Setting this value to 0 will disable all output, and make the application daemonize.

--static-link|L [u|d]
The uplink, or the downlink, will be handled to be static link, and they will not be dynamically rearranged. u prohibits relinking when uplink dies. d prohibits sending messages to relink when there are too many downlinks.

d is the only option useful to master node.

--threshold|-t [clientseencount threshold]
sets the threshold for how many times a data to be seen to be considered obsolete data. A client may request data from this servent before a new data comes, and sometimes re-sending the data every time may be a bad idea.
--rsh|-r [rsh-application]
Uses remote shell to connect to uplinks instead of using TCP/IP. ssh or rsh or anything compatible can be used. servents will connect to uplink using the option.
Gives out a help message.


This software might be a security risk. This is a weak part of dmachinemon system.

This program supercedes dmachinemon-node program, and can be used as a replacement.

Currently, there is no easy way of starting this application. You should configure your /etc/init.d files to start this program appropriately.


Junichi Uekawa <> <> <>

This manual page is autogenerated from dmachinemon-servent.c and dmachinemon-commandlineparser.c


dmachinemon-master(1), dmachinemon-gtkiface(1), dmachinemon-htmoutput(1)