man egtkbuild (Commandes) - Build an Eiffel project using eGTK


egtkbuild - Build an Eiffel project using eGTK


egtkbuild [-verbose] [-with_gnome] root-class


egtkbuild uses SmartEiffel to compile a system that depends on the eGTK class library.

The build, if successful, produces an executable called root-class.


Show what egtkbuild itself is doing. (You may also want to specify -verbose in the variable SE_OPTS.)
Include appropriate commands for using Gnome libraries in the C compilation commands. Use this option if you are using classes from $EGTK/lib/gnome.


To customise the build for your personal preferences, you may set certain variables in $HOME/.egtkbuild.rc. To customise for a particular project, you can use ./.egtkbuild.rc; if this exists it is used instead of $HOME/.egtkbuild.rc.

.egtkbuild.rc must be Bourne shell script with execute permissions set for the current user. If you assign to variables strings that contain white space, remember to enclose the whole string in quotes.

.egtkbuild.rc may set the following variables, which will override the default settings:

The command to use to compile the project; the default is 'compile'.
The flags to be given to the C compiler to control the inclusion of debugging aids in the object code; the default is '-g'.
The flags to be given to the C compiler to control optimisation; the default is '-O'.
The flags to be given to the SmartEiffel compiler; the default is '-no_strip -no_style_warning'.

.egtkbuild.rc may also set the following variables, which will be prepended to the default options (therefore do not repeat the default options):

Additional cecil files to be included. The default is '-cecil ${EGTK}/C/se/
Compiler options to specify additional directories to search for include files. The default is '-I. `gtk-config --cflags`'.
Other *.c and *.o files to include in the compilation. By default this variable contains "${EGTK}/C/eif_gtk.c ${EGTK}/C/se/eif_gtk_se.c".
Compiler options to specify additional directories to search for libraries and libraries to include. The default is '`gtk-config --libs`' or '`gnome-config --libs gnome gnomeui`' if -with_gnome is used.

The whole command to be run is



Settings for all builds by the user.
Settings for the project in the current directory. This overrides any settings in $HOME/.egtkbuild.rc.


SmartEiffel documentation for compile.


egtkbuild and this manpage were written by Oliver Elphick <>