man elfsh (Commandes) - The ELF shell


ELFsh - The ELF shell


elfsh [OPTION...]


ELFsh is an interactive and scriptable ELF machine to play with executable files, shared libraries and relocatable ELF32 objects. It is useful for daily binary manipulations such as on-the-fly patching, code analysis, or embedded code injection in research fields such as reverse engineering, security auditing and intrusion detection.


input file
output file


The following commands can be used on either the commandline when preceded by a - or on the ELFsh command prompt :

Print the extra details help screen
Print the help screen
Insert BSS section in corefile
Dump absolute relocations list
Mark the Section Header Table (sht) as removed
Quit the shell without saving
Quit the shell without saving
e elf
Print the ELF header
i interp
Print the .interp section
p pht
Print the Program Header Table (PHT)
g got [Regex]
Print the symbols in the Global Offset Table (GOT) matching Regex
s sht [Regex]
Print the sections in the Section Header Table (SHT) matching Regex
r rel [Regex]
Print the relocation entries matching Regex
n notes [Regex]
Print the Notes sections entries matching Regex
d dyn [Regex]
Print the .dynamic section entries matching Regex
ds dynsym [Regex]
Print dynamic symtab (.dynsym) entries matching Regex
st sym [Regex]
Print the symtab (.symtab) entries matching Regex
stab [Regex]
Print raw stab (.stabs) entries matching Regex
ct ctors [Regex]
Print .ctors section entries matching Regex
dt dtors [Regex]
Print .dtors section entries matching Regex
D disasm [Regex[:rva[%size]]]
Disassemble size bytes of the objects matching Regex starting at offset rva
X hexa [Regex[:rva[%size]]]
Dump size bytes of the objects matching Regex starting at offset rva
reladd DestinationfileID SourceFileID
Inject the ELF relocatable object SourceFileID into the ELF executable object DestinationFileID
OP DestinationObjectPath OperandObjectPath
Perform arithemetic operation OP (add/sub/mul/div/mod) on DestinationObjectPath using operand OperandObjectPath
set DestinationObjectPath SourceObjectPath
Set the value of object DestinationObjectPath to SourceObjectPath
get SourceObjectPath
Get the value of object SourceObjectPath
append SectionName SourceObjectPath
Append the data of object SourceObjectPath to section SectionName
extend SectionName length
Extend section SectionName with length zero bytes
write DestinationObjectPath SourceObjectPath
Copy data from SourceObjectPath to DestinationObjectPath
print [ObjectPath1 ObjectPath2 ... ObjectPathN]
Print the values of objects ObjectPath1 ObjectPath2 ... ObjectPathN
redir func (func2 | addr)
Redirect calls to function func having a .plt entry to func2 or address addr.
a all regex
Set a global regular expression. All commands which take a regular expression as a parameter will default to use this global regular expression.
s sort (a|s)
Sort output by address or size
quiet | verbose
Toggle the verbosity flag

The following commands can only be used on the ELFsh commandline :

load filename
Load input file filename
save filename
Dump output file filename
unload (filename | fileID)
Unload file filename or fileID without saving
switch (filename | fileID)
Change the current file to work on to filename or fileID
modload filename
Load the ELFsh module filename
List the loaded files and their ID


This section explains how to access different objects in an ELF file. For most commands the object can also be a decimal or hexadecimal number. In this case the ObjectPath is the number.

ELF Header

ELF header fields are : Magic number File class Object file type Architecture Object file version Entry point virtual address Program header table file offset Section header table file offset Processor-specific Flags Size of the ELF header in bytes Size of the program headers Size of the section headers Number of program headers Number of section headers Section header string table index PAX use paging based non-executable pages PAX emulate trampolines PAX restrict mmap PAX randomize mmap PAX randomly map executable address PAX use segmentation based non-executable pages

got/ctors/dtors tables
(filename | fileID).(got|ctors|dtors)[index]
Program segment header table
(filename | fileID).pht[index].field

Program segment header table entry fields are : Segment type Segment file offset Segment physical address Segment virtual address Segment size in file Segment size in memory Segment flags Segment alignment

Symbol/Dynamic symbol tables
(filename | fileID).(symtab|dynsym)[index].field

Symbol/Dynamic symbol table entry fields are : Symbol name Symbol value Symbol size Symbol binding Symbol type Symbol visibility

Dynamic table
(filename | fileID).dynamic[index].field

dynamic table entry fields are : Integer or address value Dynamic entry type

Section header table
(filename | fileID).sht[index].field

Section header table entry fields are : Section type Section Offset in ELF file Section Address Section Size in bytes Link to another section Additional Info Section Alignment Entry size if section holds table Occupies memory during execution Writeable Executable Contains nul-terminated strings Might be merged Preserve order after combining OS specific

Relocation table
(filename | fileID).rel[indextable][indexentry].field

relocation entry fields are : Type Relocation symbol index Address

Section table
(filename | fileID).section[sectionindex].field

section fields are : Section name Section Raw data. To access use following path format :


The ELFsh was written by the ELFsh crew <>.

This manual page was created by Peter De Schrijver <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).