man entity (Commandes) - An XML-based GUI builder for GTK+


entity - An XML-based GUI builder for GTK+


entity [-g domain] [-a] [-c exec-class] [-hV] [file...]


This manual page very briefly documents the entity command.

entity reads the first non-option argument as a filename to parse using an XML-based GUI and application framework.

entity understands the following options:

-g domain
Enable debug messages from the given domain, or all domains if the special domain all is given.
Load all command line arguments as files, instead of as arguments to the first file.
-c exec-class
If you know the execution class of another Entity process, you may specify this exec-class on the command line, and Entity will attempt to notify the other process to load the specified file. This is useful for debugging purposes - for example, loading stembuilder into an already running Entity. If the execution class of a given Entity process is not specified, it is set to the process' PID.
Print the version of Entity to the standard output and exit.
Print a help message to the standard output and exit.



This manual page was written by Brian Bassett <bbassett@bbassett>.