man entrcmd (Commandes) - non-interactive command line interface for Entrez


entrcmd - non-interactive command line interface for Entrez


entrcmd [-] [-c] [-d str] [-e str] [-f] [-g F] [-h] [-i str] [-l str] [-n filename] [-o filename] -p str [-r] [-s] [-t str] [-u str] [-w str] [-x str] [-y N]


entrcmd is a non-interactive command-line interface which allows a user to perform a series of neighboring and output operations, based upon an initial set of UIDs or a boolean expression which describes a set of UIDs. Alternatively, it can be used to display an alphabetically sorted list of terms near an initial term.


A summary of options is included below.

Print usage message
'Check' WWW output Forms
-d str
Initial database (default = m)
-e str
Boolean expression
For WWW output, use Forms
-g F
Do not use WWW-style encoding for special input characters
Print detailed help. Requires, but ignores, -p str
-i str
Comma-delimited list of files to import for named UID list
-l str
Taxonomy lookup string
-n filename
On-the-fly neighboring from filename
-o filename
Output file (default = stdout)
-p str
Program of commands
Get sequences from ID Repository
Display status report
-t str
Produce a list of terms
-u str
Comma-delimited list of UIDs
-w str
Produce WWW/HTML formatted output, using str (/htbin is recommended) as the directory prefix for linked hypertext items.
-x str
Name of export file for named UID list
-y N
bioseq only
bioseq set
nuc-prot set (default)


The National Center for Biotechnology Information.