man exo-open (Commandes) - Open URLs and launch preferred applications


exo-open - Open URLs and launch preferred applications


exo-open [[url]...] exo-open --launch [category] [[parameter]...]


exo-open is a command line frontend to the Xfce Preferred Applications framework. It can either be used to open a list of urls with the default URL handler or launch the preferred application for a certain category.


exo-open either takes a list of URLs and tries to open each of them using the default handler, or, when using the --launch tries to launch the preferred application for a certain category, optionally passing any number of parameters to the application.


-h, --help
Print brief help and exit.
-v, --version
Print version information and exit.
--launch category parameters...
Launch the preferred application for the given category with the optional parameters..., where category is either WebBrowser, MailReader or TerminalEmulator.

If you do not specify the --launch option, exo-open will open all specified URLs with their preferred URL handlers. Else, if you specify the --launch option, you can select which preferred application you want to run, and pass additional parameters to the application (i.e. for TerminalEmulator you can pass the command line that should be run in the terminal).


exo-open was written by Benedikt Meurer <>.

This manual page was provided by Benedikt Meurer <>.