man kiss (Commandes) - small staticly linked shell with many builtins


bkiss, gkiss, rkiss - small staticly linked shell with many builtins


bkiss|gkiss|rkiss [-C] [-d] [-e] [-E] [-h] [-k] [-v] [-c cmd] [file [file ...]]


-C Exit on ^C (default is to ignore)

Debug run, do not start programs
Suppress printing exit status of programs
Suppress setting of environment variables
Print usage message and exit
Keep control of processes started (kill them on exit)
Print version number and exit
-c cmd
Run one command and exit (must be last)

If no files are given, standard input is read instead.

Run a shell, where many of the UNIX utilities are builtins. bkiss runs a bare-bones shell, while gkiss uses a small readline-like library for input editing and rkiss uses the GNU readline library for input editing.

The following builtins are recognized: alias cat cd chgrp chmod chown cp echo exec grep help history kill ln ls mkdir mknod more mount mv printenv pwd quit read recall rm rmdir setenv sleep source touch umount unsetenv ver wc where

Note: nfsmount is really a seperate program, and is included inside mount(1) on Linux just for convenience. kiss's mount does not support "nfs".


Copyright © 2002 Moshe Zadka