man d.font () - Selects the font in which text will be displayed on the user's graphics monitor.


d.font - Selects the font in which text will be displayed on the user's graphics monitor.



d.font help

d.font font=string


Choose new current font Options: cyrilc,gothgbt,gothgrt,gothitt,greekc,greekcs,greekp,greeks,italicc,italiccs,italict,romanc,romancs,romand,romans,romant,scriptc,scripts Default: romans


d.font allows the user to select use of a specific text font for display of text on the graphics monitor. The GRASS program is a UNIX Bourne shell macro which names and displays the fonts that can be selected using d.font. If the user does not specify a font when using other GRASS programs that display text, the font type romans is used by default.

The user can run this program either non-interactively or interactively. If the user specifies a font type name on the command line the program will run non-interactively. Alternately, the user can simply type d.font on the command line; in this case, the program will prompt the user for a display text font type using the standard GRASS interface described in the manual entry for parser.


Name of a font type, from among the font types italicized below.

Default: romans

Options: (italized)

cyrilc Cyrillic

gothgbt Gothic Great Britain triplex

gothgrt Gothic German triplex

gothitt Gothic Italian triplex

greekc Greek complex

greekcs Greek complex script

greekp Greek plain

greeks Greek simplex

italicc Italian complex

italiccs Italian complex small

italict Italian triplex

romanc Roman complex

romancs Roman complex small

romand Roman duplex

romanp Roman plain

romans Roman simplex

romant Roman triplex

scriptc Script complex

scripts Script simplex


The font type romans is the fastest font type to display to the graphics monitor.








James Westervelt, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

d.font uses the public domain version of the Hershey Fonts created by Dr. A.V. Hershey while working at the U.S. National Bureau of Standards.

Last changed: $Date: 2004/12/14 09:15:52 $

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