man r3.timestamp () - print/add/remove a timestamp for a 3D raster map


r3.timestamp - print/add/remove a timestamp for a 3D raster map



r3.timestamp help

r3.timestamp map=string [date=timestamp]


input grid3 filename
datetime, datetime1/datetime2, or none


This command has 2 modes of operation. If no date argument is supplied, then the current timestamp for the grid3d map is printed. If a date argument is specified, then the timestamp for the grid3d map is set to the specified date(s). See EXAMPLES below.


r3.timestamp grid3d=soils

Prints the timestamp for the "soils" grid3d map. If there is no timestamp for soils, nothing is printed. If there is a timestamp, one or two lines are printed, depending on if the timestamp for the map consists of a single date or two dates (ie start and end dates).

r3.timestamp grid3d=soils date='15 sep 1987'

Sets the timestamp for "soils" to the single date

15 sep 1987"

r3.timestamp grid3d=soils date='15 sep 1987,20 feb 1988'

Sets the timestamp for "soils" to have the start date

15 sep 1987" and the end date "20 feb 1988"

r3.timestamp grid3d=soils date=none

Removes the timestamp for the "soils" grid3d map


Parameters grid3d: grid3d map name date: date/time stamp or date1,date2 range


The timestamp values must use the format as described in the GRASS datetime library. The source tree for this library should have a description of the format. For convience, the formats as of Feb, 1996 are reproduced here:

There are two types of datetime values: absolute and relative. Absolute values specify exact dates and/or times. Relative values specify a span of time. Some examples will help clarify:


The general format for absolute values is

day month year [bc] hour:minute:seconds timezone

day is 1-31

month is jan,feb,...,dec

year is 4 digit year

[bc] if present, indicates dates is BC

hour is 0-23 (24 hour clock)

mintue is 0-59

second is 0-59.9999 (fractions of second allowed)

timezone is +hhmm or -hhmm (eg, -0600)

parts can be missing

1994 [bc]

Jan 1994 [bc]

15 jan 1000 [bc]

15 jan 1994 [bc] 10 [+0000]

15 jan 1994 [bc] 10:00 [+0100]

15 jan 1994 [bc] 10:00:23.34 [-0500]

Relative There are two types of relative datetime values, year- month and day-second. The formats are:

[-] # years # months

[-] # days # hours # minutes # seconds

The words years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds are literal words, and the # are the numeric values.


2 years

5 months

2 years 5 months

100 days

15 hours 25 minutes 35.34 seconds

100 days 25 minutes

1000 hours 35.34 seconds

The following are illegal because it mixes year-month and day-second (because the number of days in a month or in a year vary):

3 months 15 days

3 years 10 days


Spaces in the timestamp value are required.


Michael Pelizzari

Lockheed Martin Space Systems

based on r.timestamp by Michael Shapiro,

U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory

Last changed: $Date: 2004/05/10 14:41:09 $

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