man r.le.patch () -




r.le.patch help

r.le.patch [-cnptu] map=string [sam=string] [reg=string] [att=string[,string,...]] [siz=string[,string,...]] [co1=integer] [co2=string[,string,...]] [sh1=string] [sh2=string[,string,...]] [bnd=string[,string,...]] [per=string[,string,...]] [out=string]


Output map 'interior' with patch cores (specify co1 & co2)
Output map 'num' with patch numbers
Include sampling area boundary as perimeter
Use 4 neighbor instead of 8 neighbor tracing
Output maps 'units_x' with sampling units for each scale x


Raster map to be analyzed
Sampling method (choose only 1 method):

w = whole map u = units m = moving window r = regions Default: w
Name of regions map, only when sam = r; omit otherwise
a1 = mn. pixel att. a2 = s.d. pixel att.

a3 = mn. patch att. a4 = s.d. patch att. a5 = cover by gp a6 = density by gp a7 = total density a8 = eff. mesh number Options: a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8
s1 = mn. patch size s2 = s.d. patch size

s3 = mn. patch size by gp s4 = s.d. patch size by gp s5 = no. by size class s6 = no. by size class by gp s7 = eff. mesh size s8 = deg. landsc. division Options: s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8
Depth-of-edge-influence in pixels (integer) for use with co2
Core size measures (required if co1 was specified):

c1 = mn. core size c2 = s.d. core size c3 = mn. edge size c4 = s.d. edge size c5 = mn. core size by gp c6 = s.d. core size by gp c7 = mn. edge size by gp c8 = s.d. edge size by gp c9 = no. by size class c10 = no. by size class by gp Options: c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10
Shape index (choose only 1 index):

m1 = per./area m2 = corr. per./area m3 = rel. circum. circle
Shape measures (required if sh1 was specified):

h1 = mn. patch shape h2 = s.d. patch shape h3 = mn. patch shape by gp h4 = s.d. patch shape by gp h5 = no. by shape class h6 = no. by shape class by gp Options: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
n1 = mn. twist number n2 = s.d. twist number

n3 = mn. omega index n4 = s.d. omega index Options: n1,n2,n3,n4
p1 = sum of perims. p4 = sum of perims. by gp

p2 = mn. per. p5 = mn. per. by gp p3 = s.d. per. p6 = s.d. per. by gp Options: p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6
Name of output file for individual patch measures, when sam=w,u,r;

if out=head, then column headings will be printed


r.le.patch program calculates attribute, patch size, core (interior) size, shape, fractal dimension, and perimeter measures for sets of patches in a landscape


Baker, W.L. and Y. Cai. 1992. The r.le programs for multiscale analysis of landscape structure using the GRASS geographical information system. Landscape Ecology 7(4):291-302.

r.le GRASS 5 (2001): Quantitative analysis of landscape structures


r.le.dist, r.le.null, r.le.pixel, r.le.rename, r.le.setup, r.le.trace


William L. Baker Department of Geography and Recreation University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyoming 82071 U.S.A.

Last changed: $Date: 2003/05/06 13:53:52 $

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