man r.out.pov () - Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POVRAY.


r.out.pov - Converts a raster map layer into a height-field file for POVRAY.



r.out.pov help

r.out.pov map=string tga=string [hftype=integer] [bias=float] [scale=float]


Name of an existing raster map
Name of output povray file (TGA height field file)
Height-field type (0=actual heights 1=normalized)
Elevation bias
Vertical scaling factor


r.out.pov converts a user-specified raster map layer (map==name) into a height-field file for POVray (tga==name). The hftype==value option (where value is either 0 or 1) specifies the height-field type. When the user enters 0 the output will be actual heights. If entered 1 the cell-values will be normalized. If hftype is 0 (actual heights) the bias==value can be used to add or substract a value from heights. Use scale==value to scale your heights by value. The GRASS program r.out.pov can be used to create height- field files for Persistence of Vision (POV) raytracer. POV can use a height-field defined in Targa (.TGA) image file format where the RGB pixel values are 24 bits (3 bytes). A 16 bit unsigned integer height-field value is assigned as follows: RED = high byte, GREEN = low byte, BLUE = empty.


An example Povray script file may look like this:

#include ""

#include ""

#include ""

#declare Scale = 7;

light_source { <40000, Scale*3000, 5000> color MainLight }

camera {

location < 23000, Scale*2000, 0>

angle 90

look_at < 23000, Scale*1400, 5000>


height_field {

tga ""


water_level 0.11 // 726 / 6553.6 = 0.111

texture {

pigment {

image_map { // image is always projected from -z, with front facing +z, top to +Y

ppm ""



rotate x*90 // align map to height_field



finish {

ambient 0.2 // Very dark shadows

diffuse 0.8 // Whiten the whites

phong 0.2 // shiny

phong_size 100.0 // with tight highlights

specular 0.5

roughness 0.05


scale < 14500, Scale*6553.6, 13000 >

translate <18300, 0, 1100>



Klaus D. Meyer, GEUM.tec GbR, eMail:

Last changed: $Date: 2003/05/06 14:29:59 $

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