man GWRemote (Commandes) - GNUstep Remote Workspace Manager
GWRemote - GNUstep Remote Workspace Manager
openapp GWRemote
This manual page documents briefly the GWRemote GNUstep application and the gwsd tool. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.
GWRemote is a GNUstep Distributed Objects based application that let you browse the file system of a remote host where the gwsd tool is running. You can also copy, move, delete, link, duplicate files, on the remote host and edit little text files, too.
You must install the gwsd tool on a machine and run it with:
where PASSWORD is the password that the GWRemote users will have to supply
when logging in.
Now you can launch GWRemote on an other machine (or on the same machine) and
login (Tools->Login).
There are no options.