man happydoc (Commandes) - Python Documentation Extraction Tool
happydoc - Python Documentation Extraction Tool
happydoc [-hoqrv] [-F format] [-T docset_type] [-d outputDirectory] [-i ignoreDirectory] [-p packageDescriptionFile] [-t title] [--help] [--dia] [--no_comments] [--no_private_names] [--author=authorNameAndEmail]
This manual page documents briefly the happydoc command.
This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.
happydoc is a documentation generation/extraction tool which does not depend on being able to import modules; it is based on the Demos/parser/ module distributed with the Python source distribution.
- -h
- Displays abbreviated help message.
- -help
- Displays complete usage information.
- -F format
- Specify the output format.
- Defaults to HTMLTable.
- -T docset_type
- Specify the documentation set type.
- Defaults to multifile_docset.
- --author=authorNameAndEmail
- Specify the author identification to be inserted for references.
- -d outputDirectory
- Specify an outputDirectory.
- Defaults to ./doc.
- --dia
- Generate UML diagram in Gnome dia format.
- -i ignoreDirectory
- Specify a directory basename to be ignored.
- Use just the base name of the directory. For instance, to ignore all directories with the name CVS, specify: -i CVS.
- Defaults to ignore: CVS, dist, build, doc, docs.
- --no_comments
- Do not include comment text as though it was a __doc__ string.
- --no_private_names
- Do not include names beginning with _.
- -o
- Specify that output should go to stdout.
- -p packageDescriptionFile
- Specify a file with a description of the package.
- The default packageDescriptionFile is README.txt.
- -q
- Turn on quiet mode.
- -r
- Disable recursion into subdirectories.
- -t title
- Specify a title for the documentation set.
- -v
- Increment the verbose level. Higher levels are more verbose. The default is 1.
"FORMATTER TYPE htmltable: Formatter which produces HTML with
The output from this formatter is not generally suitable for printing, but works fine for online documentation. The primary concern with printing the output is that the nested tables can cause pages to be very wide, especially with a lot of nesting of classes. Printable HTML output should be addressed by another formatter.Parameters
- compactHTML
- A boolean switch to cause the formatter to generate more compact HTML. Extra whitespace is removed in order to make the generated files take up less space and x download more quickly. The default is False to cause output to be more readable.
- filenamePrefix
- A prefix to preprend to the base names of files and directories being created. This is useful for situations where the names which would be automatically generated might cause a name clash or conflict.
- pageBackgroundColor
- Background color for HTML pages
- levelOneHeadingBackgroundColor
- Background color for level one heading sections.
- levelOneHeadingForegroundColor
- Foreground color for level one heading sections.
- levelTwoHeadingBackgroundColor
- Background color for level two heading sections.
- levelTwoHeadingForegroundColor
- Foreground color for level two heading sections.
- codeForegroundColor
- Foreground color for code blocks.
- dateStampFiles
- Boolean indicating whether or not to include a date/time stamp in files.
- htmlQuoteText
- Boolean indicating whether or not to assume that docstrings need to be quoted because they might have special HTML characters in them. Defaults to true so that text is quoted.
- debug
- Enable debugging comments in output.
FORMATTER TYPE sgmldocbook: Formatter which produces simple DocBook SGML.
"FORMATTER TYPE text: Formatter which produces plain ASCII
- filenamePrefix
- A prefix to append to the base names of files and directories being created. This is useful for situations where the names which would be automatically generated might cause a name clash or conflict.
Basic DocSet Parameters
- includeComments
- Boolean. False means to skip the comment parsing step in the parser. Default is True.
- includePrivateNames
- Boolean. False means to ignore names beginning with _. Default is True.
- usePackages
- Boolean. True means to provide special handling for Packages (directories containing files) from non-package Modules.
- prewrittenFileBasenames
- Base names (no extensions) of StructuredText files which are to be converted to the output format and included in the docset.
- statusMessageFunc
- function which will print a status message for the user
- title
- the title of the documentation set
- useRecursion
- Recurse into subdirectories looking for subdirectories and files within them.
DOCSET TYPE: multifile_docset: Documentation set written to multiple files.
DOCSET TYPE: singlefile: Documentation which writes output to a single file.
DOCSET TYPE: stdout: Documentation set which writes output to standard output.
No additional parameters
Full HTML documentation is provided in /usr/share/doc/happydoc-doc (contained in the happydoc-doc package).
This manual page was converted from happydoc's --help message by Harry Henry Gebel for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). HappyDoc amd it's documentations are copyrighted by Doug Hellmann and are distributed under a BSD style license found in /usr/share/doc/python-happydoc/copyright.