man harbour (Commandes) - Harbour Project compiler


harbour - Harbour Project compiler


harbour <file[s][.prg]> [options]


This manual page documents briefly the harbour command. This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.

harbour is the Harbour Project compiler.


Automatic memvar declaration
Debug info
display detailed version info
display credits
#define <id>
set exit severity
output type generated is <type> (see below)
output type: C source (.c) (default)
<type>: 0=compact 1=normal 2=verbose (default)
output type: Platform dependant object module
output type: Windows/DOS OBJ32 (.obj)
output type: Harbour Portable Object (.hrb)
output type: Java source (.java)
output type: .NET platform (.il)
#include file search path
compilation mode (type -k? for more data)
suppress line number information
compile module only
no implicit starting procedure (default)
<type>: 0=no implicit starting procedure
1=no starting procedure at all
object file drive and/or path
generate pre-processed output (.ppo) file
quiet and don't display program header
syntax check only
use command def set in <file> (or none)
variables are assumed M->
set warning level number (0..3, default 1)
set symbol init function name prefix (for .c only)
suppress shortcutting (.and. & .or.)


Author of harbour: The Harbour Project (

This manual page was written by Luis Mayoral <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).