man hk_exportxml (Commandes) - exports the result set of a query or a table to a XML file. hk_exportxml is part of the hk_classes package


hk_exportxml - exports the result set of a query or a table to a XML file. hk_exportxml is part of the hk_classes package


hk_exportxml -d driver -b database [OPTIONS] datasourcename


hk_exportxml exports the result set of a query or a table to a XML file. The data will be printed to stdout. To create a table or a query use knoda ( If the datasource is not a table set the --query option.


-b, --database=DATABASE
database name
-d, --driver=DRIVERNAME
set the SQL-driver (e.g. mysql). You can get a list of all existing SQL-drivers with -l or --list
-f, --filter=FILTER
filter of the datasource. It has the same syntax as the WHERE clause of a SQL statement, just without the 'WHERE'. Example: "author_id = 5"
if set the fieldname is a attribute in the 'field' tag, else it is the field delimiter tag
-h, --host=HOST
name or IP-number of the host
-l, --list
List available database drivers
the document delimiter tag
-p, --password=PASSWORD
user password at the SQL server
-q, --query
if set the datasource is a query, not a table
-r, --port=PORT
TCP-port on host
the row delimiter tag
-u, --user=USERNAME
user name at the sql-server
version and author of hk_classes


hk_exportxml returns 0 if everything was ok, or 1 if an error occured. A clear text error message will be written to stderr.


Horst Knorr <>