man hlins (Commandes) - insert url's into html documents


hlins - insert url's into html documents


hlins [options] [infile]


hlins is a program that inserts hypertext links into html documents, according to one or several data bases associating addresses (url's) to names. hlins is designed for inserting links for persons: It knows about abbreviations of first and middle names and tolerated dropping of the last part of a composite last name.

If no file argument is given then input is taken from stdin; when no output option (see below) is given then output goes to stdout.

For a complete description, see the documention in html format.


hlins follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`--').

-o, --output-file file
Write to file instead of standard output
-h, --help
Show a summary of options.
-v, --version
Show the version of the program.
-q, --quiet
Surpress diagnostic output.
-db, --data-bases files ...
Use files ... as data bases
-m, --modify files ...
Dont't act as filter but perform in-pace modifications of files.
-R, --recursive
Recursively descend into directories and act on all files with names ending on .html.
-td, --tmp-dir dir
Use directory dir to create temporary files.
List the address data bases in HTML format to stdout.


default directory for creating temporay files.


This manual pages describes version 0.39.


The full documentation with examples should be available in /usr/share/doc/hlins/.

See also the hlins home page


Ralf Treinen <>.