man ilsize (Commandes) - the Intermediate Language (IL) size utility


ilsize - the Intermediate Language (IL) size utility


ilsize [ options ] input ...


Ilsize lists size information for each of the sections within an IL object file (.obj), an IL executable (.exe), or an IL dynamic link library (.dll). The output is similar to that produced by size(1).


--radix num
Set the radix for displaying size values within the output. The default value is 10. Legal values are 8, 10, and 16.
Set the radix to 10. Same as --radix 10.
Set the radix to 8. Same as --radix 8.
Set the radix to 16. Same as --radix 16.
-D, --detailed
Use a more detailed output that also includes the number of classes, fields, methods, etc.
Print a usage message for the ilsize program.
-v, -V, --version
Print the version of the ilsize program.
Marks the end of the command-line options, and the beginning of the input filenames. You may need to use this if your filename begins with '-'. e.g. "ilsize -- -input.obj". This is not needed if the input is stdin: "ilsize -" is perfectly valid.


Written by Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd.



Exit status is 1 if an error occurred while processing the input. Otherwise the exit status is 0.

filename: truncated image

The input file is truncated in some way that prevents it from being read as an IL image.

filename: not a valid PE/COFF image

The input file is not a PE/COFF file. That is, it is not formatted as a Windows executable or dynamic link library, and is also not formatted as a Portable.Net object file (see ilasm(1) for details on the object file format).

filename: image does not contain IL data (may be an ordinary Windows executable)

The input file is a valid PE/COFF file, but it does not contain an IL binary within it. It is probably an ordinary native Windows executable that cannot be processed by ildasm.

filename: incorrect IL version

The input file is a valid PE/COFF file that contains a valid IL binary, but the IL data is for an unsupported version.

filename: required sections in reverse order

There was something wrong with the order of sections within the file that caused the loader to need to seek backwards. This will normally only happen for IL binaries that have been incorrectly generated or corrupted in some way.

filename: not enough memory to load image

The IL binary was so large that it could not be loaded into memory prior to disassembly.

filename: bad addresses in image

The PE/COFF file or IL binary within the file contained a "relative virtual address", or RVA, that was invalid. This will normally only happen for IL binaries that have been incorrectly generated or corrupted in some way.

filename: invalid metadata in image

The metadata section was invalid in some way. Usually this indicates a corrupted IL binary.

filename: uses undocumented metadata feature

The metadata section was mostly valid, but it used features for which we do not have sufficient documentation to parse successfully.

filename: unresolved external references

The metadata section was valid, but it referred to types in another file that could not be fully resolved.

metadata error: ...

Depending on how the Portable.NET development tools were built, errors of this kind may appear in addition to the other errors listed above. They provide additional diagnostics that mainly of interest to the authors. If you come across a file that produces such an error, then contact the authors.


Ilsize does not currently understand the format of ".a" or ".lib" archive libraries, so it cannot display information about archive contents like size(1) can.