man java-sablevm (Commandes) - free (LGPL) Java virtual machine


Manual page of 'java' wrapper for SableVM - free (LGPL) Java virtual machine


java-sablevm [OPTION]... CLASSNAME [ARGUMENT]...


[-]-addclasspath ADDEDCLASSPATH
appends ADDEDCLASSPATH at the end of CLASSPATH (note that parameters' order is important!)
[-]-cp CLASSPATH, [-]-classpath CLASSPATH, [-]-classpath=CLASSPATH
set CLASSPATH for program to be run (overrides value of CLASSPATH environment variable)
set PROPERTY value to VALUE
-h, [-]-help, -?
show help (not implemented yet, see manual page)
-jar FILE
execute content of FILE as a jar type file (requires unzip utility installed); note that you can't specify CLASSNAME in this case
show version (like -V) and continue execution
-v, [-]-verbose
enable all verbose options (might *flood* you if SableVM is compiled with debugging options)
enable verbose garbage collection
enable verbose Java Native Interface
-V, [-]-version
show version information, including some compilation options
-Xbootclasspath:/pa/th, -Xbootclasspath/p:/pa/th, -Xbootclasspath/a:/pa/th
set the value of the boot classpath, prepend or append a value to it
sets the location of GNU Classpath libraries (not sablevm-classpath); NOTE: due to ever-changing nature of VM <-> Classpath interfaces you might need to use the latest SableVM snapshot if you want to run the latest GNU Classpath CVS directly with SableVM; This option is meant mainly for Java Virtual Machine and GNU Classpath developers and advanced users.
end of options marker - CLASSNAME (if any) and ARGUMENTS (if any) should follow


used as the classpath for the program being started, unless -cp was specified
used to search for location of native java libraries, incompatible with setting java.library.path property


[-]-debug, -Xdebug, (extended debug options)
-ss VALUE, (maximal stack size)
-ms VALUE, (initial heap size)
-ms VALUE, (maximum heap size)
-X[...], (other extended option)
-noverify, (turn off bytecode verifier)
-verbosemem, (verbose memory allocation)
-verbosegc, (verbose memory allocation)
-verbosejit, (verbose memory allocation)
-verbose[...], (other verbose option)
-vmdebug opt1[,opt2...], (other debug option)
All the above options are recognized by java-sablevm wrapper and ignored. Their handling is either not implemented by the wrapper or by sablevm binary (and thus they can not be translated to options sablevm is able to recognize).


The below properties are only usable when SableVM was compiled with --enable-debugging-features, which is not the case ie. for binary distributions.

when operating on a binary compiled with debugging features - setting this property to true outputs names of every method that is to be executed
when operating on a binary compiled with debugging features - setting this property to true outputs names of every instruction that is to be executed (WARNING: expect flood!!!)
when operating on a binary compiled with debugging features - setting this property to true causes SableVM to dump a stack trace on every locking contention and on fat lock acquisition.



For more informations about SableVM see