man k3d (Commandes) - 3D modeling and animation system


k3d - 3D modeling and animation system


k3d [options]


K-3D is a free (as in freedom) 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux and Win32. K-3D features a robust, object-oriented plugin architecture. K-3D is capable of producing motion-picture-quality output when paired with a RenderMan Interface compliant render engine such as Aqsis.

Please visit for more information.


--color Color-codes log messages based on their priority. Requires an ANSI color-capable terminal.

--exit Exits the program (useful after running scripts in batch mode).

-h, --help Prints this help information and exits.

--log-level [level] Specifies the minimum message priority to log (valid values are "warning", "information", or "debug").

-n, --new Creates a new document after startup.

-o, --open [file] Opens the given file after startup.

--options [path] Overrides the filepath for storing user options (this overrides both defaults and the K3D_OPTIONS_PATH environment variable, below).

--plugins [path] Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries (this overrides both defaults and the K3D_PLUGIN_PATHS environment variable, below). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.

--script [file] Play the given script after startup (use - for stdin).

--shadercache [path] Overrides the path where compiled shaders will be cached (this overrides both defaults and the K3D_SHADER_CACHE_PATH environment variable, below).

--shaders [path] Overrides the path(s) for loading shaders (this overrides both defaults and the K3D_SHADER_SOURCE_PATHS environment variable, below). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.

--share [path] Overrides the path for loading shared data files (this overrides both defaults and the K3D_SHARE_PATH environment variable, below).

--show-process Prints the process name next to log messages.

--show-timestamps Prints timestamps next to log messages.

--syslog Logs messages to syslog.

--ui [ui path] Specifies the path to a user interface plugin (this overrides both the default and the K3D_USER_INTERFACE_PATH environment variable, below). As a special-case the string "none" can be used as a synonym for the Null (no gui) User Interface.

--version Prints program version information and exits.


--batch Operate in batch (no user intervention) mode.

--no-splash Disables the startup splash screen.

--record-tutorials Opens the tutorial recorder immediately following startup.

--show-tutorials Opens the tutorials menu immediately following startup.

--tutorials [path] Overrides the path for loading interactive tutorials (this overrides both defaults and the K3D_TUTORIALS_PATH environment variable, below).


K3D_OPTIONS_PATH Overrides the path for storing user options (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --options option, above).

K3D_PLUGIN_PATHS Overrides the path(s) for loading plugin libraries (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --plugins option, above). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.

K3D_SHADER_CACHE_PATH Overrides the path where compiled shaders are cached (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --shadercache option, above).

K3D_SHADER_SOURCE_PATHS Overrides the path(s) for loading shaders (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --shadersources option, above). Multiple colon-delimited paths are allowed. Use "&" as a synonym for the default paths.

K3D_SHARE_PATH Overrides the path for loading shared data files (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --share option, above).

K3D_TUTORIALS_PATH Overrides the path for loading interactive tutorials (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --tutorials option, above).

K3D_USER_INTERFACE_PATH Overrides the path to the user interface plugin (this overrides the default, but can be overridden by the --ui option, above).


Written by Timothy M. Shead <>, and many others.


Report bugs to <>


Copyright (c) 1995-2004, Timothy M. Shead

This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


The full documentation for K-3D is maintained as a DocBook manual at