man lsbappchk (Commandes) - check LSB conformance of application


lsbappchk - check LSB conformance of application


lsbappchk [L pathtolib]... [appname]...


Measure an application executable's conformance to the Linux Standard Base (LSB) specification. The object format of the application is checked, as is the list of shared libraries used by the application, and the list of functions and global data used by the application. Warnings are produced for anything that is used, but not contained in the LSB specification.

-L pathtolib
Specify libraries which are part of the application. This option can be specified as many times as needed, and will prevent lsbappchk from complaining about symbols which are provided in those shared libraries.

A journal file named journal.appchk.<appname> where appname is the first binary specified is created. It contains a record of the test results. You must have write access to the current working directory in order to run lsbappchk successfully.

The lsbappchk program cannot detect all conformance problems. In particular, itis a static test and does not actually run the application. Lsbappchk will not find any behaviors which show themselves only at run-time (for example, anything involving the File Hierarchy Standard, or constants and other such items which are found in header files).


The contributors to the Linux Standard Base.


Report bugs to <>.


Should be able to specify where to write the journal file.


Linux Standard Base specification and other documents at