man lufsmount (Commandes) - mount an LUFS file system


lufsmount - mount an LUFS file system


lufsmount file_system://[user[:pass]@]host[:port][/remote_root] mountpoint [-cdfghoOpquv]


The lufsmount command is a convenience wrapper for mounting LUFS filesystems. It provides a more natural syntax and allows regular users to take advantage of it, provided that the LUFS mount/umount utilities (lufsmnt & lufsumount) have been installed suid root. Conversely, the lufsumount(1) command will detach the mounted file system.


Options available for the lufsmount command:

-c CHAN, --channels=CHAN
Specify the number of communication channels per LUFS file system.
-d MASK, --dmask=MASK
Octal mask to be OR-ed on directory permissions (minimum dir permissions).
-f MASK, --fmask=MASK
Octal mask to be OR-ed on file permissions (minimum file permissions).
-g GID, --gid=GID
Set GID as the owning gid on all the file system entries.
-h, --help
Display a help message.
-o OPT=VAL[,...], --opts OPT=VAL[,...]
File system specific options. These options will be passed unparsed to the file system module.
-O, --own_fs
The mounting user will be the owner of the whole mounted file system. Permissions on the file system entries will be tweaked to reflect actual remote access rights.
-p, --password
Prompt for a password, if none specified.
-q, --quiet
Disable logging from the lufsd daemon. All file descriptors are closed.
-u UID, --uid=UID
Set UID as the owning uid on all the file system entries.
-v, --verbose
Print the mount command before executing.


/etc/lufs.conf The LUFS configuration file. See lufs(8) for further details. /etc/mtab Table of mounted file systems


The lufsmount utility cannot handle LUFS filesystems which require a special/different URL syntax.


Florin Malita <mali at go dot ro>