man m68k-palmos-trapfilt (Commandes) - decodes PalmOS trap vectors


m68k-palmos-trapfilt - decodes PalmOS trap vectors


m68k-palmos-trapfilt [ -q | --quiet | --silent ] [ vector... ]


On the 68000, calls to Palm OS system API functions are compiled into a trap instruction followed by a trap vector, which is a 16-bit number in a range starting at 0xA000. The mapping between particular system functions and numeric trap vectors is given in the `CoreTraps.h' header in a Palm OS SDK (or `SysTraps.h' in older SDKs).

A disassembly listing of a Palm OS program displays only the trap instructions and the raw trap vectors. The trapfilt utility decodes trap vectors using the mapping given by the header from the default SDK selected with palmdev-prep. Typically you use it in conjunction with a disassembly listing from objdump:

m68k-palmos-objdump -d myapp | m68k-palmos-trapfilt

If any vector arguments are given, trapfilt decodes them and outputs the results on standard output. Otherwise, when no such arguments are given, it acts as a filter: copying from standard input to standard output, annotating each line that matches the syntax of a trap vector (i.e., the syntax as printed by objdump) with the name of the corresponding system function, if any.


In non-filter mode, output only the system function name for each vector given. The default output format in non-filter mode is similar to that used in filter mode.


This manual page is based on the documentation found with prc-tools.