man malsync (Commandes) - synchronize a Palm Pilot device with a MAL server


malsync - synchronize a Palm Pilot device with a MAL server


malsync [options]


This manual page documents briefly the malsync command. malsync is a program that synchronizes channels set up on a MAL server (Mobile Application Link) with a Palm Pilot device during a hotsync process.


A summary of options are included below.

Show summary of options.
Show version of malsync.
Specify proxy address.
Specify proxy port.
Specify proxy username.
Specify proxy password.
Specify SOCKS proxy.
Specify SOCKS port.
Print out extra debugging information.
Download only low resolution images.
malsync will disconnect from shell and become a daemon.

The serial port to connect to may be specified by the PILOTPORT environment variable. If not specified it will default to /dev/pilot

The baud rate to connect with may be specified by the PILOTRATE environment variable. If not specified, it will default to 9600. Please use with caution if setting it to higher values, as several types of workstations have problems with higher rates.

This manual page was written for the Debian distribution because the original program does not have a manual page.


This manual page was written by Ashley Clark <> and updated by Ludovic Rousseau <>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).