man mcvs (Commandes) - version control system built around CVS
Meta-CVS - version control system built around CVS
Meta-CVS command syntax:
- mcvs [ global-options ] command [ command-options ] [ command-arguments ]
Global options:
- -H --help
- Print this help and terminate. If a command is specified, help specific to that command is printed instead.
- -Q
- Very quiet, generate output only for serious problems. (*)
- -q
- Somewhat quiet, some info messages suppressed. (*)
- -n
- Dry run; do not modify filesystem. (*)
- --debug
- Verbose debug output; -Q and -q are ignored but still passed to CVS.
- -r
- Make working files read-only. (@)
- -w
- Make new working files read-write (default). (@)
- -l
- Do not log cvs command in command history, but execute it anyway. (@)
- -t
- Trace CVS execution. (@)
- -v --version
- Display version information and terminate.
- -f
- CVS not to read ~/.cvsrc file. (@)
- -i script-name
- Load a Lisp file and evaluate its top level forms, allowing Meta-CVS to behave as an interpreter.
- --meta
- Include metafiles such as MCVS/MAP in the set of files to operate on.
- --metaonly
- Operate only on metafiles.
- --nometa
- Exclude metafiles from the set of files to operate on.
- --error-continue
- Instead of interactive error handling, automatically continue all continuable errors.
- --error-terminate
- Terminate with cleanup when an error happens instead of interactive error handling.
- -T tempdir
- Place temporary files in tempdir. (@)
- -e editor
- Edit messages with editor. (*)
- -d root
- Specify CVSROOT. (@)
- -z gzip-level
- Specify compression level. (@)
- --up N
- Escape out of N levels of sandbox nesting before executing operation.
- Notes: (*) option processed by Meta-CVS and passed to CVS too.
- (@) option merely passed to CVS.
- help
- Obtain more detailed help for a specific command.
- create
- Create new project from an existing file tree.
- grab
- Take a snapshot of an external source tree, such as a third-party release, and incorporate it into the working copy. Tries to discover file moves.
- checkout (co)
- Retrieve a Meta-CVS project from the repository to create a working copy.
- export (ex)
- Retrieve a Meta-CVS project without creating a working copy.
- add
- Place files (or directories with add -R) under version control.
- remove (rm)
- Remove files or directories.
- move (mv)
- Rename files and directories.
- link (ln)
- Create a versioned symbolic link.
- update (up)
- Incorporate latest changes from repository into working copy.
- commit (ci)
- Incorporate outstanding changes in the working copy into the repository.
- diff
- Compute differences between files in the working copy and the repository or between revisions in the repository.
- tag
- Associate a symbolic name with file revisions to create an identifiable baseline. By default, tags the revisions that were last synchronized with the directory. Note: tag -b creates a CVS branch, it won't be a Meta-CVS branch with managed merges. Consider the branch command instead!
- log
- Display log information for files.
- status (stat)
- Show current status of files.
- annotate
- Perform a detailed analysis of files, showing the version information about every individual line of text.
- filt (fi)
- Act as a text filter, which converts Meta-CVS F- file names to readable paths, according to the current mapping.
- remote-filt (rfi)
- Remote version of filt, requires module name.
- branch
- Create a managed branch. Meta-CVS managed branches keep track of what has been merged where, so users don't have to track merges with tags at all.
- merge
- Merge a managed branch to the current branch or trunk.
- remerge
- Re-apply the most recent merge without changing any tags. Useful when a merge goes bad so the local changes have to be discarded and the merge done over again.
- list-branches (lb) List Meta-CVS managed branches. switch (sw) Switch to a branch. With no arguments, switch to
- main trunk.
- remap
- Force Meta-CVS to notice and incorporate moves and deletions that were performed directly on the sandbox.
- purge
- Execute a CVS remove on files that have been unmapped with the remove command.
- restore
- Restore files that have been deleted with the remove command, but not purged. These appear in the lost+found directory under cryptic names.
- prop
- Manipulate properties.
- prop --set <bool-prop-name> [ files ... ] prop --clear <bool-prop-name> [ files ... ] prop --value <prop-name> <new-value> [ files ... ] prop --remove <prop-name> [ files ... ]
- The ``exec'' property represents the execute permission of a file. More than one --set, --clear, --value or --remove may be specified before the files.
- watch
- Manipulate per-file CVS watch settings.
- watch --on [ files ... ] watch --off [ files ... ] watch --add <action> [ files ... ] watch --remove <action> [ files ... ]
- watchers
- See who is watching files.
- edit
- Indicate the intent to edit a watched file.
- unedit
- Retract the indication signaled by edit.
- editors
- See who is editing files.
- sync-to-cvs
- Synchronize tree in the direction of the CVS sandbox. Useful when extending Meta-CVS with external scripts.
- sync-from-cvs
- Synchronize CVS sandbox to the tree.
- convert
- Convert a CVS module to a Meta-CVS project. This requires direct filesystem access to the repository. Caveat: this is a very blunt instrument.