man mcxconvert (Commandes) - convert between mcx storage types


mcxconvert - convert between mcx storage types


mcxconvert <input file name> <output file name>

mcxconvert <input file to test>

In the two-argument invocation, mcxconvert converts from the format found in the first file to the other format. In the one-argument invocation, mcxconvert will simply output one of the strings interchange or binary depending on the format found.


The mcl libraries make extensive use of matrices. Matrices are used to encode graphs, matrices and clusterings. They can be stored either in interchange or in binary format. The latter is somewhat more efficient in storage and much faster in both reading and writing, but the default is interchange format.

The mcl input routines recognize the type of storage they are dealing with. If you want to convert a matrix to the other storage type, simply specify the file name of the matrix you want to convert. mcxconvert will recognize its type, and write the other type to the file specified as the second argument.

In the future mcxconvert will probably be generalized towards other objects such as vectors.


Stijn van Dongen.


mcxio(5), and mclfamily(7) for an overview of all the documentation and the utilities in the mcl family.