man mincextract (Commandes) - dump a hyperslab of MINC file data


mincextract - dump a hyperslab of MINC file data


mincedit [options] mincfile


mincextract dumps a chunk of MINC file data to standard output in the format of your choice.


-ascii Write out data as ascii strings (default)

-byte Write out data as bytes

-short Write out data as short integers

-int Write out data as 32-bit integers

-long Superseded by -int

-float Write out data as single precision floating-point values

-double Write out data as double precision floating-point values

-filetype Write out data in the type of the file

-signed Write out signed data

-unsigned Write out unsigned data

-range low high Specify the range of output values

-normalize Normalize integer pixel values to file max and min (Default)

-nonormalize Turn off pixel normalization

-image_range low high Specify the range of real image values for normalization

-image_minimum min Specify the minimum real image value for normalization

-image_maximum max Specify the maximum real image value for normalization

-start indexvector Specifies corner of hyperslab (C conventions for indices). Indices are either separated by spaces (enclosed by quotes) or commas (no quotes required).

-count indexvector Specifies edge lengths of hyperslab to read. Indices are either separated by spaces (enclosed by quotes) or commas (no quotes required).

-positive_direction Flip images to always have positive direction.

-negative_direction Flip images to always have negative direction.

-any_direction Do not flip images (Default).

+xdirection Flip images to give positive xspace:step value (left-to-right).

-xdirection Flip images to give negative xspace:step value (right-to-left).

-xanydirection Don't flip images along x-axis (default).

+ydirection Flip images to give positive yspace:step value (post-to-ant).

-ydirection Flip images to give negative yspace:step value (ant-to-post).

-yanydirection Don't flip images along y-axis (default).

+zdirection Flip images to give positive zspace:step value (inf-to-sup).

-zdirection Flip images to give negative zspace:step value (sup-to-inf).

-zanydirection Don't flip images along z-axis (default).