man mlmmj-sub (Commandes) - subscribe address to a mailinglist run by mlmmj


mlmmj-sub - subscribe address to a mailinglist run by mlmmj


mlmmj-sub -L /path/to/list -a [-c | -C] [-d | -n] [-h] [-U] [-V] -a: Email address to subscribe -c: Send welcome mail -d: Subscribe to digest version of the list -C: Request mail confirmation -h: This help -L: Full path to list directory -n: Subscribe to nomail version of the list -s: Don't send a mail to the subscriber if already subscribed -U: Don't switch to the user id of the listdir owner -V: Print version


This utility is used to subscribe people to the specified mailinglist. It will write the email address in a file with the name of the beginning letter of the email address getting subscribed in the <listdir>/subscribers.d/ directory.

Unless the -U switch is used it will switch its user id to the user id owning the list directory. This is done to make sure that new files created are having correct permissions.

The nomail version of the list is a list version where people are subscribed like usual, but they won't recieve any postings to the list. This is useful for people who read the mailinglist through a news gateway, but want to be able to post to the list.

Normally a mail is sent to the subscriber if the address is already subscribed to the list. If the -s switch is used such a mail will not be sent.

When neither -c nor -C are specified, subscription silently happens.



This manual page was written by the following persons: Søren Boll Overgaard <> (based on html2man output) Mads Martin Jørgensen <>