man mmc (Commandes) - Error reading options file `/usr/lib/mercury/conf/Mercury.config'.


mmc - Error reading options file `/usr/lib/mercury/conf/Mercury.config'.


Error reading options file `/usr/lib/mercury/conf/Mercury.config'.
Mercury Compiler, version rotd-2004-05-11, configured for i686-pc-linux-gnu
Copyright (C) 1993-2004 The University of Melbourne


mmc [<options>] <arguments>


mmc is one of the development tools that are part of the Mercury distribution.

This manual page is limited to a brief summary. For further information see the Mercury User's Guide.


Arguments ending in `.m' are assumed to be source file names. Arguments that do not end in `.m' are assumed to be module names.


 -?, -h, --help
	Print this usage message.
 -w, --inhibit-warnings
	Disable all warning messages.
	This option causes the compiler to treat all 
	warnings as if they were errors.  This means that
	if any warning is issued, the compiler will not
	generate code --- instead, it will return a
	non-zero exit status.
	This option causes the compiler to halt immediately
	after syntax checking and not do any semantic checking
	if it finds any syntax errors in the program.
	Don't warn about argument order rearrangement caused
	by --introduce-accumulators.
	Don't warn about variables which only occur once.
	Don't warn about variables which occur in overlapping scopes.
	Don't warn about determinism declarations
	which could have been stricter.
	Don't warn about procedures whose determinism is inferred
	erroneous but whose determinism declarations are laxer.
	Don't warn about modules which export nothing.
	Warn about predicate arguments which are not used.
	Warn about modules imported in the interface, but
	which are not used in the interface.
	Disable warnings about `.opt' files which cannot be opened.
	Enable warnings about `.trans_opt' files which cannot
	be opened.
	Disable warnings produced when the information required
	to allow `.trans_opt' files to be read when creating other
	`.trans_opt' files has been lost.  The information can be
	recreated by running `mmake <mainmodule>.depend'
	Warn about possible non-stratification in the module.
	Non-stratification occurs when a predicate/function can call
	itself negatively through some path along its call graph.
	Disable warnings about constructs which are so
	simple that they are likely to be programming errors.
	Warn about multiple calls to a predicate with the
	same input arguments.
	Disable warnings for modules that do no start with
	a `:- module' declaration.
	Disable warnings for modules whose `:- module'
	declaration does not match the module's file name.
	Disable warnings from the smart recompilation system.
	Warn about references to undefined variables in
	options files with `--make'.
	Warn about any directly recursive calls that are not tail calls.
	This requires --high-level-code.
	Don't warn if targets specified on the command line
	with `--make' are already up to date.
	Disable warnings about procedures for which there are no
	clauses.  Note that this option only has any effect if
	the `--allow-stubs' option (described in the "Language
	Semantics Options" section below) is enabled.
	Warn about procedures which are never called.
	Disable warnings from the compiler used to process the
	target code (e.g. gcc).
 -v, --verbose
	Output progress messages at each stage in the compilation.
 -V, --very-verbose
	Output very verbose progress messages.
 -E, --verbose-error-messages
	Explain error messages.  Asks the compiler to give you a more
	detailed explanation of any errors it finds in your program.
	Disable messages about the progress of builds using
	the `--make' option.
 --output-compile-error-lines <n>
	With `--make', output the first <n> lines of the `.err'
	file after compiling a module (default: 15).
	Output each external command before it is run.
	Note that some commands will only be printed
	printed with `--verbose'.
	When using `--smart-recompilation', output messages
	explaining why a module needs to be recompiled.
	Find all the reasons why a module needs to be recompiled,
	not just the first.  Implies `--verbose-recompilation'.
 -S, --statistics
	Output messages about the compiler's time/space usage.
	At the moment this option implies `--no-trad-passes', so you get
	information at the boundaries between phases of the compiler.
 -T, --debug-types
	Output detailed debugging traces of the type checking.
 -N, --debug-modes
	Output detailed debugging traces of the mode checking.
 --debug-det, --debug-determinism
	Output detailed debugging traces of determinism analysis.
	Output detailed debugging traces of the optimization process.
 --debug-opt-pred-id <n>
	Output detailed debugging traces of the optimization process
	only for the predicate/function with the specified pred id.
	Output detailed debugging traces of the partial
	deduction and deforestation process.
	Output detailed debugging traces of Aditi-RL code generation.
	Output detailed debugging traces of Aditi-RL optimization.
 --debug-liveness <pred_id>
	Output detailed debugging traces of the liveness analysis
	of the predicate with the given predicate id.
	Output detailed debugging traces of the `--make' option.




These options are mutually exclusive. Only the first one specified will apply. If none of these options are specified, the default action is to link the named modules to produce an executable.

 -f, --generate-source-file-mapping
	Output the module name to file name mapping for the list
	of source files given as non-option arguments to mmc
	to `Mercury.modules'. This must be done before
	`mmc --generate-dependencies' if there are any modules
	for which the file name does not match the module name.
	If there are no such modules the mapping need not be
 -M, --generate-dependencies
	Output `Make'-style dependencies for the module
	and all of its dependencies to `<module>.dep'.
	Output the strongly connected components of the module
	dependency graph in top-down order to `<module>.order'.
	Implies --generate-dependencies.
 -i, --make-int, --make-interface
	Write the module interface to `<module>.int',
	and write the short interface to `<module>.int2'
	This option should only be used by mmake.
 --make-priv-int, --make-private-interface
	Write the private interface to `<module>.int0'.
	This option should only be used by mmake.
 --make-short-int, --make-short-interface
	Write the unqualified short interface to `<module>.int3'.
	This option should only be used by mmake.
 --make-opt-int, --make-optimization-interface
	Write inter-module optimization information to
	This option should only be used by mmake.

	Output transitive optimization information
	into the `<module>.trans_opt' file.
	This option should only be used by mmake.
 -P, --convert-to-mercury
	Convert to Mercury. Output to file `<module>.ugly'
	This option acts as a Mercury ugly-printer.
 -t, --typecheck-only
	Just check that the code is syntactically correct and
	type-correct. Don't check modes or determinism,
	and don't generate any code.
 -e, --errorcheck-only
	Check the module for errors, but do not generate any code.
 -C, --target-code-only
	Generate target code (i.e. C code in `<module>.c',
	assembler code in `<module>.s' or `<module>.pic_s',
	IL code in `<module>.il', or Java code in
	`<module>.java'), but not object code.
 -c, --compile-only
	Generate C code in `<module>.c' and object code in `<module>.o'
	but do not attempt to link the named modules.
	Write Aditi-RL bytecode to `<module>.rlo' and
	do not compile to C.
	Compute the grade of the library to link with based on
	the command line options, and print it to the standard
	Print the command used to link executables to the
	standard output.
	Print the command used to link shared libraries to the
	standard output.
	When compiling, write program dependency information
	to be used to avoid unnecessary recompilations if an
	imported module's interface changes in a way which does
	not invalidate the compiled code. `--smart-recompilation'
	does not yet work with `--intermodule-optimization'.
	When generating `.dep' files, generate Makefile
	fragments that use only the features of standard make;
	do not assume the availability of GNU Make extensions.
	When generating `.dep' files, generate dependencies
	for use by `mmc --make' in addition to the dependencies
	used by mmake.

	Generate dependencies for use by `mmc --make' even
	when using Mmake. This is recommended when building a
	library for installation.
 --trace {minimum, shallow, deep, rep, default}
	Generate code that includes the specified level
	of execution tracing.
	See the Debugging chapter of the Mercury User's Guide
	for details.
	Do not disable optimizations that can change the trace.
	When the trace level is `deep', the compiler normally
	preserves the values of variables as long as possible, even
	beyond the point of their last use, in order to make them
	accessible from as many debugger events as possible.
	However, it will not do this if this option is given.
	Enable stack traces through predicates and functions with
	higher-order arguments, even if stack tracing is not
	supported in general.
	Output a bytecode form of the module for use
	by an experimental debugger.
 -n-, --no-line-numbers
	Do not put source line numbers in the generated code.
	The generated code may be in C (the usual case),
	or in Mercury (with the option --convert-to-mercury).
	Output comments in the `<module>.c' file.
	(The code may be easier to understand if you also
	use the `--no-llds-optimize' option.)
	Write out the dependency graph to `<module>.dependency_graph'.
 -d <n>, --dump-hlds <stage number or name>
	Dump the HLDS (high level intermediate representation) after
	the specified stage to `<module>.hlds_dump.<num>-<name>'.
	Stage numbers range from 1-99.
	Multiple dump options accumulate.
 --dump-hlds-pred-id <n>
	Dump the HLDS only of the predicate/function with the given
	pred id.
 --dump-hlds-options <options>
	With `--dump-hlds', include extra detail in the dump.
	Each type of detail is included in the dump if its
	corresponding letter occurs in the option argument
	(see the Mercury User's Guide for details).
 --dump-mlds <stage number or name>
	Dump the MLDS (medium level intermediate representation)
	after the specified stage, as C code,
	and `<module>.h_dump.<num>-<name>'.
	Stage numbers range from 1-99.
	Multiple dump options accumulate.
 --verbose-dump-mlds <stage number or name>
	Dump the internal compiler representation of the MLDS, after
	the specified stage, to `<module>.mlds_dump.<num>-<name>'.
	Output a human readable form of the compiler's internal
	representation of the generated Aditi-RL code to
	Output a human readable representation of the generated
	Aditi-RL bytecodes to `<module>.rla'.
	Aditi-RL bytecodes are directly executed by the Aditi system.
	Output schema strings for Aditi base relations
	to `<module>.base_schema' and for Aditi derived
	relations to `<module>.derived_schema'.
	A schema string is a representation of the types
	of a relation.
	Sign the current assembly with the Mercury strong name.
	To use assemblies created with this command all the Mercury
	modules must be compiled with this option enabled.
	This option is specific to the IL backend, and is likely
	to be deprecated at a later date.



(See the Mercury language reference manual for detailed explanations.)

	Execute conjunctions left-to-right except where the modes imply
	that reordering is unavoidable.
	Execute disjunctions strictly left-to-right.
	Don't optimize away loops or calls to error/1.
	Allow procedures to have no clauses.  Any calls to
	such procedures will raise an exception at run-time.
	This option is sometimes useful during program development.
	(See also the documentation for the `--warn-stubs' option
	in the "Warning Options" section.)
	Abbreviation for `--infer-types --infer-modes --infer-det'.
	If there is no type declaration for a predicate or function,
	try to infer the type, rather than just reporting an error.
	If there is no mode declaration for a predicate,
	try to infer the modes, rather than just reporting an error.
 --no-infer-det, --no-infer-determinism
	If there is no determinism declaration for a procedure,
	don't try to infer the determinism, just report an error.
 --type-inference-iteration-limit <n>
	Perform at most <n> passes of type inference (default: 60).
 --mode-inference-iteration-limit <n>
	Perform at most <n> passes of mode inference (default: 30).
 --enable-term, --enable-termination
	Analyse each predicate to discover if it terminates.
 --chk-term, --check-term, --check-termination
	Enable termination analysis, and emit warnings for some
	predicates or functions that cannot be proved to terminate.  In
	many cases where the compiler is unable to prove termination
	the problem is either a lack of information about the
	termination properties of other predicates, or because language
	constructs (such as higher order calls) were used which could
	not be analysed.  In these cases the compiler does not emit a
	warning of non-termination, as it is likely to be spurious.
 --verb-chk-term, --verb-check-term, --verbose-check-termination
	Enable termination analysis, and emit warnings for all
	predicates or functions that cannot be proved to terminate.
 --term-single-arg <n>, --termination-single-argument-analysis <n>
	When performing termination analysis, try analyzing
	recursion on single arguments in strongly connected
	components of the call graph that have up to <n> procedures.
	Setting this limit to zero disables single argument analysis.
 --termination-norm {simple, total, num-data-elems}
	The norm defines how termination analysis measures the size
	of a memory cell. The `simple' norm says that size is always
	one.  The `total' norm says that it is the number of words
	in the cell.  The `num-data-elems' norm says that it is the
	number of words in the cell that contain something other
	than pointers to cells of the same type.
 --term-err-limit <n>, --termination-error-limit <n>
	Print at most <n> reasons for any single termination error
	(default: 3).
 --term-path-limit <n>, --termination-path-limit <n>
	Perform termination analysis only on predicates
	with at most <n> paths (default: 256).



The following compilation options affect the generated code in such a way that the entire program must be compiled with the same setting of these options, and it must be linked to a version of the Mercury library which has been compiled with the same setting.

 -s <grade>, --grade <grade>
	Select the compilation model. The <grade> should be one of
	the base grades `none', `reg', `jump', `asm_jump', `fast', 
	`asm_fast', `hl', `hlc', `il', or `java',
	or one of those with one or more of the grade modifiers
	`.gc', `.mps', `.prof', `.memprof', `.profdeep', `.tr',
	`rt', `.debug', `.par' and/or `.pic_reg' appended.
	Depending on your particular installation, only a subset
	of these possible grades will have been installed.
	Attempting to use a grade which has not been installed
	will result in an error at link time.
 --target c			(grades: none, reg, jump, fast,
					asm_jump, asm_fast, hl, hlc)
 --target asm			(grades: hlc)

 --target il			(grades: il)

 --target java			(grades: java)
	Specify the target language: C, assembler, IL or Java.
	The default is C.  "IL" (also known as "CIL" or "MSIL")
	is the Intermediate Language for the .NET Common Language
	Targets other than C imply `--high-level-code' (see below).
	As an exception to the usual rule for options in this section,
	where different option settings normally correspond to different
	ABIs, code generated using `--target asm' is binary compatible
	with code generated using `--target c --high-level code', so
	these both use grade `hlc'.
	An abbreviation for `--target il'.
	An abbreviation for `--target il --target-code-only'.
	Generate IL code in `<module>.il', but do not generate
	object code.
 --dotnet-library-version <version-number>
	The version number for the mscorlib assembly distributed
	with the Microsoft .NET SDK.
	Don't use MS CLR specific workarounds in the generated code.
	Use specific workarounds for the ROTOR CLR in the generated
	An abbreviation for `--target java'.
	An abbreviation for `--target java --target-code-only'.
	Generate Java code in `<module>.java', but do not generate
	object code.
	An abbreviation for `--target c --target-code-only'.
	Generate C code in `<module>.c', but do not generate object
 --debug				(grade modifier: `.debug')
	Enable Mercury-level debugging.
	See the Debugging chapter of the Mercury User's Guide
	for details.
	This option is not yet supported for the `--high-level-code'
 -p, --profiling, --time-profiling
				(grade modifier: `.prof')
	Enable time and call profiling.  Insert profiling hooks in the
	generated code, and also output some profiling
	information (the static call graph) to the file
	This option is not supported for the IL or Java back-ends.
 --memory-profiling		(grade modifier: `.memprof')
	Enable memory and call profiling.
	This option is not supported for the IL or Java back-ends.
 --deep-profiling		(grade modifier: `.profdeep')
	Enable deep profiling.
	This option is not supported for the high-level C, IL
	or Java back-ends.
 --gc {none, boehm, mps, accurate, automatic}

 --garbage-collection {none, boehm, mps, accurate, automatic}
				(`java' and `il' grades use
					`--gc automatic',
				`.gc' grades use `--gc boehm',
				`.mps' grades use `--gc mps',
				other grades use `--gc none'.)
	Specify which method of garbage collection to use
	(default: boehm).
	`boehm' is Hans Boehm et al's conservative collector.
	`accurate' is our own type-accurate copying GC;
	it requires `--high-level-code'.
	`mps' is a different conservative collector, based on
	Ravenbrook Limited's MPS (Memory Pool System) kit.
	`automatic' means the target language provides it.
	This is the case for the IL and Java back-ends,
	which always use the garbage collector of the underlying
	IL or Java implementation.
 --use-trail			(grade modifier: `.tr')
	Enable use of a trail.
	This is necessary for interfacing with constraint solvers,
	or for backtrackable destructive update.
	This option is not yet supported for the IL or Java back-ends.
 --gcc-global-registers		(grades: reg, fast, asm_fast)

 --no-gcc-global-registers	(grades: none, jump, asm_jump)
	Specify whether or not to use GNU C's
	global register variables extension.
	This option is ignored if the `--high-level-code' option is
 --gcc-non-local-gotos		(grades: jump, fast, asm_jump, asm_fast)

 --no-gcc-non-local-gotos	(grades: none, reg)
	Specify whether or not to use GNU C's
	"labels as values" extension.
	This option is ignored if the `--high-level-code' option is
 --asm-labels			(grades: asm_jump, asm_fast)

 --no-asm-labels			(grades: none, reg, jump, fast)
	Specify whether or not to use GNU C's
	asm extensions for inline assembler labels.
	This option is ignored if the `--high-level-code' option is
 --pic-reg			(grade modifier: `.pic_reg')
[For Unix with intel x86 architecture only]
	Select a register usage convention that is compatible,
	with position-independent code (gcc's `-fpic' option).
	This is necessary when using shared libraries on Intel x86
	systems running Unix.  On other systems it has no effect.
 -H, --high-level-code			(grades: hl, hlc, il, java)
	Use an alternative back-end that generates high-level code
	rather than the very low-level code that is generated by our
	original back-end.
 --high-level-data			(grades: hl, il, java)
	Use an alternative higher-level data representation.
 --high-level			(grades: hl, il, java)
	An abbreviation for `--high-level-code --high-level-data'.
 --tags {none, low, high}      (This option is not for general use.)
	Specify whether to use the low bits or the high bits of 
	each word as tag bits (default: low).
 --num-tag-bits <n>            (This option is not for general use.)
	Use <n> tag bits.
 --num-reserved-addresses <n>  (This option is not for general use.)
	Treat the integer values from 0 up to <n> - 1 as reserved
	addresses that can be used to represent nullary constructors
	(constants) of discriminated union types.
 --num-reserved-objects <n>    (This option is not for general use.)
	Allocate up to <n> global objects per type,
	for representing nullary constructors
	(constants) of discriminated union types.
 --reserve-tag			(grade modifier: `.rt')
	Reserve a tag in the data representation of the generated 
	code. This tag is intended to be used to give an explicit
	representation to free variables.
	This is necessary for a seamless Herbrand constraint solver -
	for use with HAL.
(This option is not for general use.)
	Don't box floating point numbers.
	This assumes that a Mercury float will fit in a word.
	The C code needs to be compiled with `-UBOXED_FLOAT'.
	It may also need to be compiled with
	`-DUSE_SINGLE_PREC_FLOAT', if double precision
	floats don't fit into a word.
(This option is not for general use.)
	Enable the use of minimal model tabling.
(This option is not for general use.)
	Don't output type_ctor_layout structures or references
	to them. (The C code also needs to be compiled with
	Enables various low-level debugging stuff, that was in
	the distant past used to debug the low-level code generation.
	You don't want to use this option unless you are hacking
	the Mercury compiler itself (and probably not even then).
	Causes the generated code to become VERY big and VERY
	inefficient.  Slows down compilation a LOT.
	Generate position-independent code.
	This option is only used by the `--target asm' back-end.
	The generated assembler code will be written to
	`<module>.pic_s' rather than to `<module>.s'.
	The default `--trad-passes' completely processes each predicate
	before going on to the next predicate.
	This option tells the compiler
	to complete each phase of code generation on all predicates
	before going on the next phase on all predicates.
	Don't reclaim heap on backtracking in nondet code.
	Don't reclaim heap on backtracking in semidet code.
	Combines the effect of the two options above.
	The maximum number of entries a jump table can have.
	The special value 0 indicates the table size is unlimited.
	This option can be useful to avoid exceeding fixed limits
	imposed by some C compilers.
 --fact-table-max-array-size <n>
	Specify the maximum number of elements in a single
	`:- pragma fact_table' data array (default: 1024).
 --fact-table-hash-percent-full <percentage>
	Specify how full the `:- pragma fact_table' hash tables
	should be allowed to get.  Given as an integer percentage
	(valid range: 1 to 100, default: 90).
 --branch-delay-slot    	(This option is not for general use.)
	Assume that branch instructions have a delay slot.
 --num-real-r-regs <n>  	(This option is not for general use.)
	Assume registers r1 up to r<n> are real general purpose
 --num-real-f-regs <n>  	(This option is not for general use.)
	Assume registers f1 up to f<n> are real floating point
 --num-real-r-temps <n> 	(This option is not for general use.)
	Assume that <n> non-float temporaries will fit into
	real machine registers.
 --num-real-f-temps <n> 	(This option is not for general use.)
	Assume that <n> float temporaries will fit into
	real machine registers.
 -O <n>, --opt-level <n>, --optimization-level <n>
	Set optimization level to <n>.
	Optimization level -1 means no optimization
	while optimization level 6 means full optimization.
 --opt-space, --optimize-space
	Turn on optimizations that reduce code size
	and turn off optimizations that significantly
	increase code size.
	Perform inlining and higher-order specialization of
	the code for predicates imported from other modules.
	This option must be set throughout the compilation process.

	Import the transitive intermodule optimization data.
	This data is imported from `<module>.trans_opt' files.
	Only read the inter-module optimization information
	for directly imported modules, not the transitive
	closure of the imports.
	Perform inter-module optimization using any
	`.opt' files which are already built,
	e.g. those for the standard library, but do
	not build any others.
	Perform inter-module optimization using any
	`.trans_opt' files which are already built,
	e.g. those for the standard library, but do
	not build any others.
	Perform analyses such as termination analysis and
	unused argument elimination across module boundaries.
	This option is not yet fully implemented.
	Generate each C function in its own C file,
	so that the linker will optimize away unused code.
	This option significantly increases compilation time,
	link time, and intermediate disk space requirements,
	but in return reduces the size of the final
	executable, typically by about 10-20%.
	This option is only useful with `--procs-per-c-function 1',
	so this option automatically sets `--procs-per-c-function 1'.
	The `--high-level-code' back-end does not support
	Disable all forms of inlining.
	Disable the inlining of simple procedures.
	Generate builtins (e.g. arithmetic operators) as calls to
	out of line procedures.  This is done by default when,
	debugging, as without this option the execution of
	builtins is not traced.
	Disable the inlining of procedures called only once.
 --inline-compound-threshold <threshold>
	Inline a procedure if its size (measured roughly
	in terms of the number of connectives in its internal form),
	multiplied by the number of times it is called,
	is below the given threshold.
 --inline-simple-threshold <threshold>
	Inline a procedure if its size is less than the
	given threshold.
	Similar to `--inline-simple-threshold', except used to
	determine which predicates should be included in
	`.opt' files. Note that changing this between writing
	the `.opt' file and compiling to C may cause link errors,
	and too high a value may result in reduced performance.
 --inline-vars-threshold <threshold>
	Don't inline a call if it would result in a procedure
	containing more than <threshold> variables. Procedures
	containing large numbers of variables can cause
	slow compilation.
	Disable optimization of common term structures.
	Disable optimization of common goals.
	At the moment this optimization
	detects only common deconstruction unifications.
	Disabling this optimization reduces the class of predicates
	that the compiler considers to be deterministic.
	Enable the constraint propagation transformation,
	which attempts to transform the code so that goals
	which can fail are executed as early as possible.
	Enable the constraint propagation transformation,
	but only rearrange goals within each procedure.
	Specialized versions of procedures will not be created.
	Migrate into the start of branched goals.
	Don't migrate into the end of branched goals.
	Remove excess assignment unifications.
	Optimize away multiple calls to a predicate
	with the same input arguments.
	Hoist loop invariants out of loops.
	Reorder goals to move construction unifications after
	primitive goals that can fail.
	Minimize the number of variables saved across calls.
	Remove unused predicate arguments.
	This will cause the compiler to generate more
	efficient code for many polymorphic predicates.
	Perform unused argument removal across module boundaries.
	This option implies `--optimize-unused-args' and
	Enable specialization of higher-order predicates.
	Enable specialization of polymorphic predicates where the
	polymorphic types are known.
	Enable specialization of polymorphic predicates for which
	there are `:- pragma type_spec' declarations.
	Set the maximum goal size of specialized versions created by
	`--optimize-higher-order' and `--type-specialization'.
	Goal size is measured as the number of calls, unifications
	and branched goals.
	Set the maximum size of higher-order arguments to
	be specialized by `--optimize-higher-order' and
	Remove goals from computation paths where their outputs are
	not needed, provided the semantics options allow the deletion
	or movement of the goal.
	Gives the maximum number of places to which a goal may be copied
	when removing it from computation paths on which its outputs are
	not needed. A value of zero forbids goal movement and allows
	only goal deletion; a value of one prevents any increase in the
	size of the code.
	Attempt to introduce accumulating variables into
	procedures, so as to make them tail recursive.
	Enable the optimization of "last" calls that are followed by
	constructor application.
	Enable deforestation. Deforestation is a program
	transformation whose aim is to avoid the construction of
	intermediate data structures and to avoid repeated traversals
	over data structures within a conjunction.
 --deforestation-depth-limit <limit>
	Specify a depth limit to prevent infinite loops in the
	deforestation algorithm.
	A value of -1 specifies no depth limit. The default is 4.
 --deforestation-vars-threshold <threshold>
	Specify a rough limit on the number of variables
	in a procedure created by deforestation.
	A value of -1 specifies no limit. The default is 200.
 --deforestation-size-threshold <threshold>
	Specify a rough limit on the size of a goal
	to be optimized by deforestation.
	A value of -1 specifies no limit. The default is 15.
	Generate switches as a simple if-then-else chains;
	disable string hashing and integer table-lookup indexing.
 --dense-switch-req-density <percentage>
	The jump table generated for an atomic switch
	must have at least this percentage of full slots (default: 25).
 --lookup-switch-req-density <percentage>
	The jump table generated for an atomic switch
	in which all the outputs are constant terms
	must have at least this percentage of full slots (default: 25).
 --dense-switch-size <n>
	The jump table generated for an atomic switch
	must have at least this many entries (default: 4).
 --lookup-switch-size <n>
	The lookup table generated for an atomic switch
	must have at least this many entries (default: 4).
 --string-switch-size <n>
	The hash table generated for a string switch
	must have at least this many entries (default: 8).
 --tag-switch-size <n>
	The number of alternatives in a tag switch
	must be at least this number (default: 3).
 --try-switch-size <n>
	The number of alternatives in a try/retry chain switch
	must be at least this number (default: 3).
 --binary-switch-size <n>
	The number of alternatives in a binary search switch
	must be at least this number (default: 4).
	Disable the optimization of constructing constant ground terms
	at compile time and storing them as static constants.
	Note that auxiliary data structures created by the compiler
	for purposes such as debugging will still be created as
	static constants.
	Disable the middle recursion optimization.
	Don't generate simplified code for simple negations.
	Disable optimization of common data structures.
	Disable the low-level optimization passes.
	Enable dead predicate elimination.
	Disable local peephole optimizations.
	Disable elimination of jumps to jumps.
	Disable elimination of jumps to ordinary code.
	Disable the optimization of tailcalls.
	Convert nondet calls into tail calls whenever possible, even
	when this requires a runtime check. This option tries to
	minimize stack consumption, possibly at the expense of speed.
	Disable the transformation to use local variables in C code
	blocks wherever possible.
	Disable elimination of dead labels and code.
	Enable elimination of duplicate code.
	Disable stack frame optimizations.
	Disable branch delay slot optimizations.
	Optimize away assignments to locations that already hold
	the assigned value.
 --optimize-repeat <n>
	Iterate most optimizations at most <n> times (default: 3).
	Disable the MLDS->MLDS optimization passes.
	Treat tailcalls as ordinary calls, rather than optimizing
	by turning self-tailcalls into loops.
	Leave initializations of local variables as
	assignment statements, rather than converting such
	assignment statements into initializers.
	Eliminate local variables with known values, where possible,
	by replacing occurrences of such variables with their values.
	Enable the optimizations of Aditi-RL procedures
	described below.
	Optimize loop invariants in Aditi-RL procedures.
	Use indexing to optimize access to relations in Aditi-RL
	Detect cases where intermediate results in Aditi-RL
	procedures do not need to be materialised.
	Emit the fail or redo macro instead of a branch
	to the fail or redo code in the runtime system.
	This produces slightly bigger but slightly faster code.
	Use only gotos, don't emit C loop constructs.
 --procs-per-c-function <n>
	Put the code for up to <n> Mercury
	procedures in a single C function.  The default
	value of <n> is one.  Increasing <n> can produce
	slightly more efficient code, but makes compilation slower.
	This option has the effect of putting the code for all
	the Mercury procedures in a single C function,
	which produces the most efficient code but tends to
	severely stress the C compiler on large modules.





Miscellaneous optional features

LLDS back-end compilation model options:

MLDS back-end compilation model options:


Data representation

Developer optional features




High-level (HLDS -> HLDS) optimizations:

Medium-level (HLDS -> LLDS) optimizations:

Low-level (LLDS -> LLDS) optimizations:

MLDS -> MLDS optimizations:

Aditi-RL optimizations:

Output-level (LLDS -> C) optimizations:


Note that if you are using Mmake, you need to pass these options to the target code compiler (e.g. `mgnuc') rather than to `mmc'.

	Enable debugging of the generated target code.
	If the target language is C, this has the same effect as
	`--c-debug' (see below).
	If the target language is IL, this causes the compiler to
	pass `/debug' to the IL assembler.)
 --cc <compiler-name>
	Specify which C compiler to use.
	Don't enable the C compiler's optimizations.
	Don't specify to the C compiler that the ANSI dialect
	of C should be used.  Use the full contents of system
	headers, rather than the ANSI subset.
	Enable debugging of the generated C code.
	(This has the same effect as `--cflags "-g"'
	and disables stripping of the executable.)
 --c-include-directory <dir>
	Append <dir> to the list of directories to be searched for
	C header files.  Note that if you want to override
	this list, rather than append to it, then you can set the
	`MERCURY_MC_ALL_C_INCL_DIRS' environment variable to a
	sequence of `--c-include-directory' options.
	Inline calls to GC_malloc().
	This can improve performance a fair bit,
	but may significantly increase code size.
	This option has no effect if `--gc boehm'
	is not set or if the C compiler is not GNU C.
 --cflags <options>, --cflag <option>
	Specify options to be passed to the C compiler.
	`--cflag' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 --javac <javac>

 --java-compiler <javac>
	Specify which Java compiler to use.  The default is `javac'.
 --java-interpreter <java>
	Specify which Java interpreter to use.
	The default is `java'
 --java-flags <options>, --java-flag <option>
	Specify options to be passed to the Java compiler.
	`--java-flag' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 --java-classpath <path>
	Set the classpath for the Java compiler.
 --java-object-file-extension <ext>
	Specify an extension for Java object (bytecode) files
	By default this is `.class'.
 --il-assembler <ilasm>
	Specify the name of the .NET IL Assembler command.
 --ilasm-flags <options>, --ilasm-flag <options>
	Specify options to be passed to the IL assembler.
	`--ilasm-flag' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 --mcpp-compiler <cl>
	Specify the name of the Microsoft Managed C++ Compiler.
 --mcpp-flags <options>, --mcpp-flag <option>
	Specify options to be passed to the Managed C++ compiler.
	`--mcpp-flag' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 --csharp-compiler <csc>
	Specify the name of the C# Compiler.  The default is `csc'.
 --csharp-flags <options>, --csharp-flag <option>
	Specify options to be passed to the C# compiler.
	`--csharp-flag' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 -o <filename>, --output-file <filename>
	Specify the name of the final executable.
	(The default executable name is the same as the name
	of the first module on the command line.)
	This option is ignored by `mmc --make'.
 --ld-flags <options>, --ld-flags <option>
	Specify options to be passed to the linker command
	invoked by ml to link an executable.
	Use `ml --print-link-command' to find out which
	command is used.
	`--ld-flag' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 --ld-libflags <options>, --ld-libflag <option>
	Specify options to be passed to the linker command
	invoked by ml to link a shared library.
	Use `ml --print-shared-lib-link-command' to find out
	which command is used.
	`--ld-libflags' should be used for single words which need
	to be quoted when passed to the shell.
 -L <directory>, --library-directory <directory>
	Append <directory> to the list of directories in which
	to search for libraries.
 -R <directory>, --runtime-library-directory <directory>
	Append <directory> to the list of directories in which
	to search for shared libraries at runtime.
 -l <library>, --library <library>
	Link with the specified library.
 --link-object <object-file>
	Link with the specified object file.
 --mld <directory>, --mercury-library-directory <directory>
	Append <directory> to the list of directories to
	be searched for Mercury libraries. This will add
	`--search-directory', `--library-directory',
	`--init-file-directory' and `--c-include-directory'
	options as needed.
 --mercury-standard-library-directory <directory>

 --mercury-stdlib-dir <directory>
	Search <directory> for the Mercury standard library.
	Implies `--mercury-library-directory <directory>'
	and `--mercury-configuration-directory <directory>'.

	Don't use the Mercury standard library.
	Implies `--no-mercury-configuration-directory'.
 --ml <library>, --mercury-library <library>
	Link with the specified Mercury library.
 --linkage {shared|static}
	Specify whether to use shared or static linking for
	executables.  Shared libraries are always linked
	with `--linkage shared'.
 --mercury-linkage {shared|static}
	Specify whether to use shared or static linking when
	linking an executable with Mercury libraries.
	Shared libraries are always linked with
	`--mercury-linkage shared'.
 --init-file-directory <directory>
	Append <directory> to the list of directories to
	be searched for `.init' files by c2init.
 --init-file <init-file>
	Append <init-file> to the list of `.init' files to
	be passed to c2init.
 --trace-init-file <init-file>
	Append <init-file> to the list of `.init' files to
	be passed to c2init when tracing is enabled.
	Don't strip executables.
	Don't pipe link errors through the Mercury demangler.
	Don't generate a C main() function.  The user's code must
	provide a main() function.
	Allow undefined symbols in shared libraries.
	Disable use of the readline library in the debugger.
 --runtime-flags <flags>
	Specify flags to pass to the Mercury runtime.
 --extra-initialization-functions, --extra-inits
	Search `.c' files for extra initialization functions.
	(This may be necessary if the C files contain
	hand-coded C code with `INIT' comments, rather than
	containing only C code that was automatically generated
	by the Mercury compiler.)
 -m, --make
	Treat the non-option arguments to `mmc' as files to
	make, rather than source files.  Create the specified
	files, if they are not already up-to-date.
	Note that this option also enables `--use-subdirs'.
 -r, --rebuild
	Same as `--make', but always rebuild the target files
	even if they are up to date.
 -k, --keep-going
	With `--make', keep going as far as
	possible even if an error is detected.
 --pre-link-command <command>
	Specify a command to run before linking with `mmc --make'.
	This can be used to compile C source files which rely on
	header files generated by the Mercury compiler.
	The command will be passed the names of all of the source
	files in the program or library, with the source file
	containing the main module given first.
 --extra-init-command <command>
	Specify a command to produce extra entries in the `.init'
	file for a library.
	The command will be passed the names of all of the source
	files in the program or library, with the source file
	containing the main module given first.
 --install-prefix <dir>
	The directory under which to install Mercury libraries.
 --install-command <command>
	Specify the command to use to install the files in
	Mercury libraries. The given command will be invoked as
	`<command> <source> <target>' to install each file
	in a Mercury library. The default command is `cp'.
 --libgrade <grade>
	Add <grade> to the list of compilation grades in
	which a library to be installed should be built.
 --options-file <file>
	Add <file> to the list of options files to be processed.
	If <file> is `-', an options file will be read from the
	standard input.  By default the file `Mercury.options'
	in the current directory will be read.
 --options-search-directory <dir>
	Add <dir> to the list of directories to be searched for
	options files.
 --mercury-configuration-directory <directory>

 --mercury-config-dir <directory>
	Search <directory> for Mercury system's configuration files.
 --config-file <file>
	Read the Mercury compiler's configuration information
	from <file>.  If the `--config-file' option is not set,
	a default configuration will be used, unless
	`--no-mercury-stdlib-dir' is passed to mmc.
	The configuration file is just an options file.
 -I <dir>, --search-directory <dir>
	Append <dir> to the list of directories to be searched for
	imported modules.
 --intermod-directory <dir>
	Add <dir> to the list of directories to be
	searched for `.opt' files.
	Don't add arguments to `--search-directory' to the list
	of directories to search for `.opt' files - use only the
	directories given by `--intermod-directory'.
	Generate intermediate files in a `Mercury' subdirectory,
	rather than generating them in the current directory.
	Generate intermediate files in a `Mercury' subdirectory,
	laid out so that multiple grades can be built simultaneously.
	Executables and libraries will be symlinked or copied into
	the current directory.
	`--use-grade-subdirs' does not work with Mmake (it does
	work with `mmc --make').
	Read then compile a newline terminated module name or
	file name from the standard input. Repeat this until EOF
	is reached. (This allows a program or user to interactively
	compile several modules without the overhead of process
	creation for each one.)
	Enable Aditi compilation. You need to enable this
	option if you are making use of the Aditi deductive
	database interface.
	Specify the Aditi login of the owner of the predicates
	in any Aditi RL files produced. The owner field is
	used along with module, name and arity to identify
	predicates, and is also used for security checks.
	Defaults to the value of the `USER' environment
	variable. If `$USER' is not set, `--aditi-user'
	defaults to the string "guest".





The Mercury team.

See <>.


This program and its documentation are copyright by the University of Melbourne. They may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.



The Mercury User's Guide.

The GNU General Public License.