man morse-x (Commandes) - morse "practicing" tool for X


morse-x - morse "practicing" tool for X


morse-x [options]


morse-x offers you a window to put dits and daws into - by pressing any key (except q = quit). On the console it prints each character you morsed in. (So start it in an x-terminal-emulator.) On the first execution you have to calibrate the length of dits and daws, so just follow the instructions on the console.


Calibrate again, e.g. if the calibration of the first execution wasn't optimal.
-d display
set display (overrides DISPLAY)
-g XGeometryString
set geometry of morse window (-g without option prints a help)
prints usage information
-r Name Class
verbose, show dits and daws (if calibration is bad and you don't know why)


Morse-x saves the autorepeat state of the keyboard at startup, then autorepeat is turned off because morse-x only works with autorepeat disabled. On exit the saved state will be activated again. This doesn't happen when crashed or killed, etc. To enable autorepeat manually, do:

xset r on.


(C) Stephan Beyer <>, 2004, GNU GPL