man mp3report (Commandes) - mp3report


Neon Goat MP3 Report Generator - mp3report


 A customizable program to scan a list of (sub)directories, creating a report
 from an HTML template. Also calculates various statistics and each song's
 playing time. Supports ID3 and ID3v2 tags. Should work on any perl-ized OS;
 see homepage for demo -


 All options can be configured through the command line, see mp3report --help
 for more info. You may also want to modify the hard coded defaults at the
 top of the program file.
 See documentation.html for information on customizing your own template file.


 Usage: mp3report [options] [directory...]
  --help                 shows this help screen
  --printmode            uses a smaller font for printing
  --title=TITLE          sets the title used in the report
  --outfile=OUTFILE      file to write report to, '-' for STDOUT
  --template=FILE        file to use as report template
  --stdgenres            use standard genres instead of winamp genres
  --id3v2                enable id3v2 support (experimental)
  directory...           dirs to scan (subdirs included)


 You should be able to run mp3report directly after decompressing it:
 tar xfzv mp3report-1.0.2.tar.gz
 cd mp3report-1.0.2
 ./ --help
 If your perl interpreter isn't in /usr/bin/perl, you'll need to change the first line
 of mp3report
 If you'd like to install the MP3::Info perl module so that other programs can
 use it, it is available at


By creating your own HTML file or modifying one of the provided templates, you can customize the output of MP3 Report Generator. These are the various identifiers that MP3 Report Generator can look for in a report:

General Information

This is either 1 or 2, depending on the CW--printmode flag. If printing mode is on, the idea is that the font size should be a little bit smaller so that it looks better on paper. To make sure this field does something, use CW<FONT SIZE="$t_fontsize"> in your HTML code. Used for the HTML CW<TITLE> tag as well as the first line of the report, and is set by specifying CW--title=SOMETHING on the command line. The local date and time when the report was generated. The list of parent directories that was scanned in the report. Each directory is separated by CW<BR&gt;&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp; so that they are on seperate lines and indented. The total number of directories and subdirectories scanned in the report. The total number of MP3 files included in the report. The total size of all MP3 files included in the report combined. This is formatted into x.xx GB (y.yy MB). The total playing time of all songs combined. This is formatted into an English sentence (4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, 1 second). The total time it took to genereate the report. This is formatted into an English sentence (4 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes, 1 second). The average size of the MP3s in this report. This is formatted into x.xx MB. The average playing time of a single song in the report. This is formatted into an English sentence (3 hours, 2 minutes, 1 second).

Report Settings

The filename that the report is being written to. The filename of the template that is being used. Either Yes or No depending on whether the CW--printmode flag was specified. Either Yes or No depending on whether user specified custom directories to scan on the command line. Either Standard or WinAMP depending on whether or not the user specified CW--stdgenres. Either Yes or No depending on whether the CW--id3v2 flag was specified.

Item Information

The current directory that is being scanned. The current sequential number of the item found. The filename of the item found. NOTE: This in versions older than 1.0.2, this variable was called CW$item_name. The size of the item found. This is formatted into x.xx MB. This will either be CW#FFFFFF or CW#EEEEEE (white or light gray) depending on whether or not the current item number is even or odd. This is used to make the cell color in tables alternate to make the report easier to read. In order for this to work, your HTML code must look something like CW<TD BGCOLOR="$item_bgcolor">CW...</TD>. The playing time of the song found, formatted into XX:YY (minutes:seconds).

MP3 Information

The total number of seconds in the current song. The MPEG version number of the current MP3, usually 1. Either Stereo or Mono depending on the number of channels in the MP3. The MPEG layer number, usually 3. The bitrate of the current MP3 in kbps. If the current MP3 is encoded at a variable bitrate, this will equal VBR. If not, it will be a blank string. Either Copyrighted or Not copyrighted depending on the MP3's copyright flag. The frequency of the current MP3 in kHz.

ID3 Tag Information

The song's ID3 title, maximum 30 characters. The song's ID3 artist, maximum 30 characters. The song's ID3 album, maximum 30 characters. The song's ID3 year, maximum 4 characters. The song's ID3 comment, maximum 30 characters (28 if the ID3 tag also contains a track number). The song's ID3 genre. You may disable WinAMP genres by specifying the CW--stdgenres flag. The song's ID3v1.1 track number (if present), maximum 2 characters.

ID3v2 Tag Information

ID3v2.3.0 (or later) tags are also supported. To enable ID3v2 support, use the CW--id3v2 flag on the command line. The following is taken from CWMPEG::MP3Info::v2_tag_names WPAY: Payment TEXT: Lyricist/Text writer TOLY: Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s) TMED: Media type RVAD: Relative volume adjustment TIME: Time RBUF: Recommended buffer size TOAL: Original album/movie/show title TRCK: Track number/Position in set IPLS: Involved people list MLLT: MPEG location lookup table TKEY: Initial key APIC: Attached picture SYTC: Synchronized tempo codes TYER: Year TPOS: Part of a set TRSN: Internet radio station name UFID: Unique file identifier TRSO: Internet radio station owner TSIZ: Size TENC: Encoded by TRDA: Recording dates COMM: Comments SYLT: Synchronized lyric/text WOAF: Official audio file webpage LINK: Linked information COMR: Commercial frame TBPM: BPM (beats per minute) PCNT: Play counter TOFN: Original filename WOAR: Official artist/performer webpage WOAS: Official audio source webpage TPE1: Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s) TFLT: File type TPE2: Band/orchestra/accompaniment TSRC: ISRC (international standard recording code) TPE3: Conductor/performer refinement RVRB: Reverb TPE4: Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by MCDI: Music CD identifier TDLY: Playlist delay TDAT: Date TORY: Original release year TLAN: Language(s) TCOM: Composer TLEN: Length TCON: Content type TCOP: Copyright message OWNE: Ownership frame TPUB: Publisher TXXX: User defined text information frame GEOB: General encapsulated object TSSE: Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding PRIV: Private frame TIT1: Content group description TALB: Album/Movie/Show title TIT2: Title/songname/content description TIT3: Subtitle/Description refinement POSS: Position synchronisation frame GRID: Group identification registration USLT: Unsychronized lyric/text transcription ENCR: Encryption method registration TOWN: File owner/licensee WORS: Official internet radio station homepage ETCO: Event timing codes EQUA: Equalization WCOM: Commercial information AENC: Audio encryption TOPE: Original artist(s)/performer(s) WCOP: Copyright/Legal information POPM: Popularimeter WPUB: Publishers official webpage WXXX: User defined URL link frame USER: Terms of use


 Much thanks to Chris Nandor and contributors to MP3::Info... 
 it saved me a lot of time :) And to Larry Wall for such a great language.
 Hello to MMT, UCLA LUG, cX, and of course the DJs of Mister Balak's Neighborhood!

SEE ALSO Damn, these guys rock.


 Neon Goat MP3 Report Generator
 v1.0.2 - April 5, 2000
 Copyright (C) 2000, David Parker, Neon Goat Productions.
 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.
 See COPYING or for more information.
 David Parker