man mrxvt (Commandes) - a tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X Window System


mrxvt - a tabbed VT102 terminal emulator for X Window System


mrxvt [options...]


The mrxvt program is a terminal emulator for X Window System. It provides DEC VT102 compatible terminals for programs that cannot use the window system directly.

Mrxvt is based on rxvt 2.7.11 CVS, features most of functionalties of rxvt and mostly the multi-tab functionality. Thus, you can have several terminals in the same window. Like rxvt, it aims to be light, fast, flexible and desktop independant, thus KDE or GNOME are not required.

The primary features of mrxvt include (but not limit to) multi-tab and runtime changeable tab titles, command for each tab, input broadcasting, true translucent window, fast pseudo-transparent background, user supplied background images (XPM, JPEG, PNG), background color tinting, off-focus fading, text shadow, multiple style (NeXT, Rxvt, Xterm, SGI, Plain) scrollbar, XIM, multi-languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese), freetype font and logging.

Mrxvt can be configured with a resource file. Several configuration files can be used, and by default it is ~/.mrxvtrc. Alternative configuration files are ~/.Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources. Configuration files specified by command line option -cf override the X resources of standard files, and command line options override X resources found in files.


Mrxvt accepts the following command line options (if the option begins with a `+' instead of a `-', the option is turned off). Some options have corresponding X resource names, and they are listed in [] in the format like [resource_name]. Notice that the resource names are case sensitive. Make sure you write them correctly in the configuration file.

-name name
client instance, icon, and title strings [clientName]
-n iconname
icon name for window [iconName]
start iconic
-display|-d displayname
X display name, the X server to contact
-tn termname
value of the TERM environment variable [termName]
-title string
title name of the window [title]
-geometry|-g geometry
geometry at startup [geometry]
-o %d
transluscent window (true transparent) background opacity degree. %d is an integer between 0 and 100. This option needs transluscent support by the X server, e.g., Xorg 6.8, and overrides the pseudo-transparency [opacity]
-od number
translucent window opacity degree increase/decrease interval. The number is between 0 and 100 [opacityDegree]
background pseudo-transparency [transparent]
pseudo-transparent menubar background, pseudo-transparency must be turned on [transparentMenubar]
pseudo-transparent scrollbar background, pseudo-transparency must be turned on [transparentScrollbar]
pseudo-transparent tabbar background, pseudo-transparency must be turned on [transparentTabbar]
-pixmap file[;geometry]
background image for all terminals if not set individually, pseudo-transparency must be turned off [Pixmap]
-vt%d.pixmap file[;geometry]
background image for %d terminal. %d is an integer and it starts from 0, NOT 1!!! Pseudo-transparency must be turned off [vt%d.Pixmap]
-tbpixmap file[;geometry]
tabbar background image, pseudo-transparency must be turned off [tabbarPixmap]
apply tabbar background image to tabs [tabPixmap]
-mbpixmap file[;geometry]
menubar background image, pseudo-transparency must be turned off [menubarPixmap]
-sbpixmap file[;geometry]
scrollbar background image, pseudo-transparency must be turned off [scrollbarPixmap]
scrollbar [scrollBar]
jump scrolling [jumpScroll]
scrollbar on right [scrollbarRight]
scrollbar without a trough [scrollbarFloating]
scrollbar thickness/width [scrollbarThickness]
scrollbar style: plain|xterm|rxvt|next|sgi [scrollbarStyle]
scrollbar alignment: top|bottom [scrollbarAlign]
scroll with buffer [scrollWithBuffer]
scroll-on-tty-output inhibit [scrollTtyOutputInhibit]
scroll-on-keypress [scrollTtyKeypress]
-sl number
number of scrolled lines to save for all terminals if not set individually. The maximal number of saved lines is 65535 [saveLines] number
number of scrolled lines to save for %d terminal. %d is an integer and it starts from 0, NOT 1!!! The maximal number of saved lines is 65535 [vt%d.saveLines]
-bgfade %d
make colors %d darker for background image or pseudo-transparent background. %d is an integer between 0 and 100. This option is different from tinting and shade below! But you can think it as tinting the background with black color [backgroundFade]
-fade %d
make colors %d darker when mrxvt is loosing focus. %d is an integer between 0 and 100 [fading]
-tint color
color tinted on background image or pseudo-transparent background, shade degree must be defined as well [tintColor]
-shade %d
shade background by %d degree when tinting the background with color. %d is an integer between 0 and 100 [shading]
-tinttype type
function applied for background tinting (not implemented yet)
-bgtype type
transformation type for background pixmap (not implemented yet)
-txttype type
function applied for text drawing (not implemented yet)
-vt%d.fg color
foreground color of %d terminal. %d is an integer and it starts from 0, NOT 1!!! [vt%d.foreground] color
background color of %d terminal. %d is an integer and it starts from 0, NOT 1!!! [vt%d.background]
-fg color
default foreground color [foreground]
-bg color
default background color [background]
-ufbg color
default background color when lose focus [ufBackground]
-tabfg color
foreground color of tabbar [tabForeground]
-tabbg color
background color of tabbar and active tabs [tabBackground]
-itabfg color
foreground color of inactive tabs [itabForeground]
-itabbg color
background color of inactive tabs [itabBackground]
-bd color
border color [borderColor]
-cr color
color of cursor [cursorColor]
-pr color
color of pointer [pointerColor]
-ts color
color of text shadow [textShadow]
-tsm mode
text shadow mode, specify shadow position of text: left | right | top | bottom | topleft | topright | botleft | botright | none [textShadowMode]
-fn fontname
normal text X11 font name [font]
-fb fontname
bold text X11 font name [boldFont]
-fm fontname
multichar text X11 font name [mfont]
-xftfn fontname
normal text freetype font family. The xft option must be enabled [xftFont]
-xftfm fontname
multichar text freetype font family. The xft option must be enabled [xftmFont]
-xftmsz number
freetype multichar font size in pixel. The xft option must be enabled [xftmSize]
display freetype multichar string in slow mode for better display effect. The xft option must be enabled [xftSlowOutput]
do not load freetype mfont, use freetype font instead. This can avoid large line space if the size of font and mfont are very different. The xft option must be enabled [xftNomFont]
use freetype font instead of X11 font. This option controls all other freetype font related options [xft]
antialias of freetype font. This makes font look more polish, but significantly slows down the rendering speed. The xft option must be enabled [xftAntialias]
hinting of freetype font. The xft option must be enabled [xftHinting]
autohint of freetype font. The xft option must be enabled [xftAutoHint]
global advance of freetype font. The xft option must be enabled [xftGlobalAdvance]
-xftwt style
freetype font weight: light|medium|bold. The xft option must be enabled [xftWeight]
-xftst style
freetype font slant: roman|italic|oblique. The xft option must be enabled [xftSlant]
-xftrgb style
freetype font sub-pixel order: rgb|bgr|vrgb|vbgr|none. The xft option must be enabled [xftRGBA]
-xftsz number
freetype font size in pixel. The xft option must be enabled [xftSize]
-xftrwd style
freetype font width: ultracondensed|condensed|normal|expanded| ultraexpanded. The xft option must be enabled [xftWidth]
-tt string
tab title for all terminals if not set individually [tabTitle] string
tab title for %d terminal. %d is an integer and it starts from 0, NOT 1!!! [vt%d.tabTitle]
-vt%d.e string
command to execute for %d terminal. %d is an integer and it starts from 0, NOT 1!!! [vt%d.command]
run shell in each tab before executing a tab command. Thus if the tab command exits, the tab will not quit. [tabShell]
run command for each tab only once on initialization, so that later new terminal will run default shell instead of the tab command [cmdInitTabs]
run -e command for all terminals, this overrides the the default behavior that the -e command is only effective for the first terminal. It also overrides the behavior of tabShell [cmdAllTabs]
-tnum number
numbers of terminals at startup [initTermNumber]
protect tab from being closed if it is using the secondary screen, for example, when the user is running vi or pine, this can prevent the terminal from being accidently closed [protectSecondary]
synchronize terminal title with tab title when switch to a new tab or the title of the active tab changes [syncTabTitle]
synchronize icon name with tab title when switch to a new tab or the title of the active tab changes [syncTabIcon]
show color text with bold font [veryBoldFont]
hide tabbar on initialization [hideTabbar]
show tabbar at bottom [bottomTabbar]
hide buttons in the tabbar [hideButtons]
-mcc +mcc
multichar cursor movement [multibyte_cursor]
-km mode
multichar encoding mode [multichar_encoding]
-im name
name of X Input Method (XIM) [inputMethod]
-pt mode
XIM input style: OverTheSpot|OffTheSpot|Root [preeditType]
-thai +thai
Thai support [thai]
-grk mode
Greek keyboard mapping: iso|ibm [greek_keyboard]
show menubar [showMenu]
triple click word selection [tripleclickwords]
cursor blinking [cursorBlink]
-bci number
cursor blinking interval (ms) [cursorBlinkInterval]
login shell [loginShell]
borderless window [borderLess]
override redirect [overrideRedirect]
-b number
internal border width [internalBorder]
-bw number
external border width [externalBorder]
-w number
external border width [externalBorder]
-lsp number
space between rows [lineSpace]
disable keyboard shortcuts, including user defined shortcuts and all default shortcuts [disableHotkeys]
disable all default keyboard shortcuts, but user defined shortcuts still work
enable Linux console style Home/End keys
-mod mode
meta modifier: alt|meta|hyper|super|mod1|...|mod5 [modifier]
visual bell [visualBell]
-blc string
bell command instead of beeping [bellCommand]
enable meta8 [meta8]
scroll one page when press mouse wheel button [mouseWheelScrollPage]
reverse video [reverseVideo]
hold the terminal when the child process in it exits [holdExit]
-het string
message to display on terminal title when a terminal is held [holdExitText]
-desktop number
desktop to place the window (for gnome compatible window manager). The number starts from 0, NOT 1!!! [desktop]
broadcasting input to all terminals [broadcast]
utmp inhibit [utmpInhibit]
-cf filename
X resource configuration file
-cfs filename
X resource configuration file to save the current configuration [confFileSave]
enable X session management [sessionMgt]
-sid string
client identity of mrxvt for X session management [smClientID]
intercept console messages


Here is list of resources supported by mrxvt. Each as a default value assigned to it. Mrxvt supports the XTerm class and application name is mrxvt. The first character of class components is capitalized and the first letter of name components is in lowercase. For example, XTerm.Foreground is a class component and mrxvt.foreground is a name component. Below is the list of resources:

mrxvt.geometry: geometry
mrxvt.reverseVideo: boolean
mrxvt.foreground: color
mrxvt.background: color
mrxvt.ufBackground: color
mrxvt.tabForeground: color
mrxvt.tabBackground: color
mrxvt.iTabForeground: color
mrxvt.iTabBackground: color
mrxvt.loginShell: boolean
mrxvt.borderLess: boolean
mrxvt.overrideRedirect: boolean
mrxvt.borderWidth: number file[;geometry]
mrxvt.showMenu: boolean
mrxvt.scrollBar: boolean
mrxvt.scrollbarAlign: mode
mrxvt.scrollbarRight: boolean
mrxvt.scrollbarThickness: number
mrxvt.scrollbarFloating: boolean
mrxvt.scrollbarStyle: mode
mrxvt.scrollWithBuffer: boolean
mrxvt.scrollTtyOutputInhibit: boolean
mrxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: boolean
mrxvt.scrollColor: color
mrxvt.troughColor: color
mrxvt.opacity: number
mrxvt.opacityDegree: number
mrxvt.transparent: boolean
mrxvt.transparentForce: boolean
mrxvt.transparentScrollbar: boolean
mrxvt.transparentMenubar: boolean
mrxvt.transparentTabbar: boolean
mrxvt.initTermNumber: number
mrxvt.tabbarPixmap: file[;geometry]
mrxvt.tabUsePixmap: boolean
mrxvt.menubarPixmap: file[;geometry]
mrxvt.scrollbarPixmap: file[;geometry]
mrxvt.fading: amount
mrxvt.textShadow: color
mrxvt.textShadowMode: mode
mrxvt.tintColor: color
mrxvt.shading: amount
mrxvt.bgType: type
mrxvt.tintingType: type
mrxvt.textType: type
mrxvt.pixmap: file[;geometry]
mrxvt.tabTitle: name
mrxvt.syncTabTitle: boolean
mrxvt.syncTabIcon: boolean
mrxvt.veryBoldFont: boolean
mrxvt.hideTabbar: boolean
mrxvt.bottomTabbar: boolean
mrxvt.hideButtons: boolean
mrxvt.saveLines: number
mrxvt.vt.foreground: color
mrxvt.vt.background: color
mrxvt.vt.pixmap: file[;geometry]
mrxvt.vt.tabTitle: name
mrxvt.vt.saveLines: number
mrxvt.vt.command: string
mrxvt.tabShell: boolean
mrxvt.cmdInitTabs: boolean
mrxvt.cmdAllTabs: boolean
mrxvt.protectSecondary: boolean name
mrxvt.iconName: name
mrxvt.termName: name
mrxvt.minBufferWidth: number
mrxvt.utmpInhibit: boolean
mrxvt.visualBell: boolean
mrxvt.mapAlert: boolean
mrxvt.bellCommand: string
mrxvt.holdExit: boolean
mrxvt.holdExitText: string
mrxvt.desktop: number
mrxvt.broadcast: boolean
mrxvt.borderColor: color
mrxvt.initTermNumber: number
mrxvt.backgroundFade: amount
mrxvt.fading: amount
mrxvt.colorn: color
mrxvt.colorBD: color
mrxvt.colorUL: color
mrxvt.path: path
mrxvt.fontName: fontname
mrxvt.boldFont: fontname
mrxvt.fontn: fontname
mrxvt.mfont: fontname
mrxvt.mfontn: fontname
mrxvt.xftFont: fontname
mrxvt.xftmFont: fontname
mrxvt.xftmSize: number
mrxvt.xftSlowOutput: boolean
mrxvt.xftNomFont: boolean
mrxvt.xft: boolean
mrxvt.xftAntialias: boolean
mrxvt.xftHinting: boolean
mrxvt.xftAutoHint: boolean
mrxvt.xftGlobalAdvance: boolean
mrxvt.xftWeight: light|medium|bold
mrxvt.xftSlant: roman|italic|oblique
mrxvt.xftSize: number
mrxvt.xftWidth: ultracondensed|condensed|normal|expanded|ultraexpended
mrxvt.xftRGBA: rgb|bgr|vrgb|vbgr|none
mrxvt.pointerColor: color
mrxvt.cursorColor: color
mrxvt.cursorColor2: color
mrxvt.cursorBlink: boolean
mrxvt.cursorBlinkInterval: number
mrxvt.bigFontKey: keysym
mrxvt.smallFontKey: keysym
mrxvt.meta8: boolean
mrxvt.mouseWheelScrollPage: boolean
mrxvt.disableHotkeys: boolean
mrxvt.linuxHomeEndKey: boolean
mrxvt.modifier: keysym
mrxvt.cutChars: string
mrxvt.acsChars: string
mrxvt.answerbackString: string
mrxvt.printPipe: string
mrxvt.selectStyle: old|oldword
mrxvt.backspaceKey: keysym
mrxvt.deleteKey: keysym
mrxvt.multichar_Encoding: encj|sjis|big5|gb|gbk|kr|noenc
mrxvt.inputMethod: name
mrxvt.preeditType: OverTheSpot|OffTheSpot|Root
mrxvt.greek_Keyboard: iso|ibm
mrxvt.greekToggle_Key: keysym
mrxvt.confFileSave: string
mrxvt.sessionMgt: boolean
mrxvt.smClientID: string

mrxvt*vt0*tabTitle: term1

mrxvt*vt1*tabTitle: term2

mrxvt*vt2*tabTitle: term3

mrxvt*vt0*saveLines: 600

mrxvt*vt1*saveLines: 600

mrxvt*vt2*saveLines: 600

!mrxvt*vt0*Pixmap: /home/images/vt0bg.xpm

!mrxvt*vt1*Pixmap: /home/images/vt1bg.xpm

!mrxvt*vt2*Pixmap: /home/images/vt2bg.xpm

mrxvt*scrollbarStyle: next

mrxvt*initTermNumber: 3

mrxvt*transparent: True

mrxvt*transparentScrollbar: False

mrxvt*transparentTabbar: False

mrxvt*transparentMenubar: False

mrxvt*foreground: white

mrxvt*background: black

Put the above lines in your $HOME/.mrxvtrc file or in a configuration file you will load with -cf option at startup. You can consult to the xdefaults-sample.txt in the doc/ directory for more details.


The actual pathnames given may differ on your system.

System file for login records.
Color names.
if enable xgetdefaults at compiled time, this is the first configuration file read.
this is the default configuration file (since 0.3.9). If presents, resources read from this file override existing resources.
this is the default configuration file (before 0.3.9). If presents, resources read from this file override existing resources.
if .mrxvtrc and .Xdefaults was not found, try this one.


You have several default keyboard shortcuts to ease the use of mrxvt. The default gnome-terminal/konsole/rxvt shortcuts are supported. For a list of the default shortcuts, please read the TIPS file in the doc/ directory.

From mrxvt 0.3.10, it is also possible to change the default keyboard shortcuts or define new keyboard shortcuts for certain predefined functions via the configuration file. The format of the keyboard shortcut definition is like this:

mrxvt*hotkey*FuncName: Ctrl+Shift+v

For each shutcut definition, you must define one or more of the three meta keys: `ctrl', `meta' and `shft'. Meta keys are separated by the `+' character. Besides of meta keys, you must also define a shortcut key, like the `v' character in the above example. The shortcut key also is separated from the meta keys by the `+' character. The shortcut key must be the last field of the definition. The shortcut definition cannot contain any spaces. For some special keys, like `Page Up' and `Page Dn' on the keyboard, their shortcut keys are as the following:

Page Up: Page_Up

Page Down: Page_Down

_: Shift+underscore

+: Shift+plus

There is a special meta key `primary', which is not associated to any keys on the keyboard. It is used to control the behavior of a shortcut key. In particular, if it is defined for a shortcut key, this shortcut key will be only effective in the primary screen. So if you are running certain applications that is using the second screen, like mc and vi, this shortcut key is disabled temporarily. The following example defines Ctrl_v as the shortcut key to paste selection. But it will not be effective in vi and mc.

mrxvt*hotkey*PasteSel: Ctrl+Primary+v

If you define the same keyboard shortcuts for two or more functions, the latest definition will override the previous definitions. You can also define multiple keyboard shortcuts for the same function. But keep in mind that there is a limit on the total number of definitions. Currently it is 4 times the total number of available functions. (Seriously, who wants to remember 4 different keyboard shortcuts for each function? ;-))

Sometimes you may want to remove a default keyboard shortcut. To do so, you just need to define the function of the shortcut to `Dummy', like the following example.

mrxvt*hotkey*Dummy: Ctrl+Shift+t

If you want to disable all keyboard shortcuts, enable the option disableHotkeys in the X resource file or -dh in the command line. If you only want to disable all default shortcuts, enable the option -ddh in the command line.

Notice that keyboard shortcuts definitions are incompatible with X Windows own resource parsing API, i.e., XGetDefaults. So, to enable the keyboard shortcuts, you will need to enable resources but disable xgetdefault when you configure mrxvt.

FuncName specifies the functions you can control via the keyboard shortcuts. The available functions are:

Dummy: clear an existing keyboard shortcut
ChangeTitle: change title of the active tab
NewTab: create a new tab
KillTab: kill the active tab
PrevTab: activate the left tab
NextTab: activate the right tab
PrevActiveTab: activate the previous active tab
Tab1: activate the first tab
Tab2: activate the second tab, if applicable
Tab3: activate the third tab, if applicable
Tab4: activate the forth tab, if applicable
Tab5: activate the fifth tab, if applicable
Tab6: activate the sixth tab, if applicable
Tab7: activate the seventh tab, if applicable
Tab8: activate the eighth tab, if applicable
Tab9: activate the ninth tab, if applicable
Tab10: activate the tenth tab, if applicable
Tab11: activate the eleventh tab, if applicable
Tab12: activate the twelvth tab, if applicable
LeftMoveTab: move active tab to left
RightMoveTab: move active tab to right
DumpScreen: dump screen of the active tab to printer
IncOpacity: increase opacity (more transluscent)
DecOpacity: decrease opacity (less transluscent)
Transparency: toggle pseudo-transparency
HideTabbar: hide/show tabbar
HideScrollbar: hide/show scrollbar
HideMenubar: hide/show menubar
HideButton: hide/show tabbar buttons
VeryBold: toggle very bold font for highlight text
HoldExit: toggle holding of quitted children
Broadcast: toggle broadcasting of input
SmallFont: switch to smaller font
LargelFont: switch to larger font
ScrollUp: scroll up one line
ScrollDown: scroll down one line
ScrollPageUp: scroll up one page
ScrollPageDown: scroll down one page
SaveConfig: save the current configuration
CopySel: save terminal selection into clipboard
PasteSel: paste text from selection or clipboard


You have several escape sequences to control mrxvt. The default rxvt/xterm escape sequences are supported. For a list of escape sequences, please read the TIPS/xterm.seq files in the doc/ directory.


Mrxvt sets the environment variable ``TERM'' for the window you have created. It also uses and sets the environment variable ``DISPLAY'' to specify which bit map display terminal to use. The environment variable ``WINDOWID'' is set to the X window id number of the mrxvt window. It also sets the environment variable ``COLORTERM'' as the terminal sub-name and indicates its color, and ``COLORFGBG'' as terminal foreground and background colors. The environment variable ``MRXVT_TABTITLE'' records the initial tab title of each terminal. Notice that its value will not be altered if the user use hotkey or escape sequence to change the tab title. The user must modify it manually after doing that.


Transparency and tinting are global, not specific to a terminal.

Off-focus fading does not work under freetype font.

This man page is not finished


Terminator <>