man netload (Commandes) - Watch traffic on a network interface


netload - Watch traffic on a network interface


netload interface [ -t refresh-interval ]


netload displays the load on an interface without using the interface. netload simply accesses kernel statistics.

"netload" is an application that displays the network load for different interfaces. It uses ncurses to display the information, and the use of a gauge to show the network load. It shows the absolute load, relative load, and other statistics, as well as the maximum load on the system so far.

interface is the name of your NIC, ppp, etc.. as shown in ifconfig. Typical names are "ppp0" "eth0" or "lo" (the later is for localhost).


-t refresh-interval
The -t flag reprensents the refresh rate of the application. The default is 1 second.


Luis Falcon <>