man newvserver (Commandes) - Creates a new Debian vserver by calling vserver ... build


newvserver - Creates a new Debian vserver by calling vserver ... build


newvserver [OPTIONS] --hostname x --domain y.z --ip



Optional: -h, --help this help -V, --version copyright and version information --arch set target architecture (eg. --arch i386) (autodetected on Debian host if dpkg available) --dist defaults to sarge, passed to debootstrap. --fakeinit use /sbin/init to boot vserver --conffile extra configuration file to load. --post-install-script script to run after the installation finishes. --interface interface for IP addresses (default eth0) --mirror Debian HTTP/FTP mirror (including the /debian) Default: --sshkeys copy pub-keys to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys --pkgcache Package caching. -v, --verbose show extra output during setup --vsroot location of /vserver/ directory Required: --hostname hostname for new vserver (eg. alpha) --domain dns domain for new vserver (eg. --ip IPv4 address for new vserver (syntax: --ip <ip>[/<netmask|prefixlength>])


The following variables can be set in a configuration file. The configuration file is a normal shell file and is sourced to get the configuration variables.

The file /etc/vservers/newvserver-vars is always sourced so this configuration file only override that file.

# Default VROOTDIR VROOTDIR=/etc/vservers/.defaults/vdirbase

Packages to install in addition to the base defaults MUST INCLUDE ALL DEPENDENCIES (seperated by , commas)


Packages installed from within the vserver after it has been setup (seperated by , commas) EXTRA_PACKAGES=package1,package2

Packages to remove from the base defaults (seperated by , commas) REMOVE_PACKAGES=package1,package2

Sysvinit services relating to hardware access to remove REMOVE_LINKS=klogd setserial urandom networking umountfs halt reboot

Absolute path location of a script that you want to run after the vserver installation. POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT=""

Architecture: overide on non-Debian host such as Redhat otherwise dpkg will detect whether we are i386/powerpc/sparc/etc ARCH=""

Which debian distribution (Warning. unstable and testing distributions change frequently so you can not expect it to work out of the box). DIST=sarge

Local or nearest location of a debian mirror (must include the `/debian') MIRROR=

Default network interface for vservers: INTERFACE=eth0

Package caching: PKGCACHE=1


Author of the manual page is Ola Lundqvist <>