man nws_search (Commandes) - search a Network Weather Service nameserver


nws_search - search a Network Weather Service nameserver


nws_search [-a][-o][-V][-f yes/no][-N host][-v level] filter [attribute ...]


This manual page explains the nws_search program. nws_search is used to query a nws_nameserver(1) in order to obtain various infomation about nws_sensor(1) , running activities, available measurements etc... The filter is an LDAP-like filter (see EXAMPLES for few examples on how to use it).


-a only the attributes should be displayed

only the values of should be displayed

-N nws_nameserver specifies the nws_nameserver to be queried

-f yes/no Indicates whether to format the program output, listing one attribute per line and padding the names. The default is yes.

-t timeout Use timeout seconds as timeout during communications with the nameserver. 0 has a special meaning of disabling the timeout altogether.

-v level Set the verbosity in case of error. Value of level can be 0 to 5 where 5 is the more verbose. It is currently disabled.

-V Print the version informations.


To retrieve registrations of all cliques register with nameserver

nws_search -N nameserver "(&(objectclass=nwsActivity)(control=clique))"

To retrieve registrations for all sensors

nws_search -N nameserver "(hostType=sensor)"

To retrieve registrations that have a name starting with abc

nws_search -N nameserver "(name=abc*)"


Bugs list is at


NWS is an original idea of Rich Wolski Rich Wolski ( who came up with the original nws_memory.

Neil Spring, Jim Hayes ( and Martin Swany maintained and enhanced it.

Graziano Obertelli ( currently maintains NWS and wrote this man page.