man omake-base (Commandes) - omake is a flexible build system designed for building a wide variety of projects. This document describes the basic built-in functions. For an overview of omake, see the omake(1) man page.
omake is a flexible build system designed for building a wide variety of projects. This document describes the basic built-in functions. For an overview of omake, see the omake(1) man page.
Set to the machine architecture omake is running on. Possible values are Win32 and Unix.
The name of the operating system for the current machine.
The hostname of the current machine.
The operating system release.
The machine architecture, e.g. i386, sparc, etc.
Version of OMake.
The login name of the user executing the process.
The home directory of the user executing the process.
$(not e) : String e : String
Boolean values in omake are represented by case-insensitive strings. The false value can be represented by the strings false, no, nil, undefined or 0, and everything else is true. The not function negates a Boolean value.
For example, $(not false) expands to the string true, and $(not hello world) expands to false.
$(equal e1, e2) : String e1 : String e2 : String
The equal function tests for equality of two values.
For example $(equal a, b) expands to false, and $(equal hello world, hello world) expands to true.
$(and e1, ..., en) : String e1, ..., en: Sequence
The and function evaluates to the conjunction of its arguments.
For example, in the following code, X is true, and Y is false.
A = a B = b X = $(and $(equal $(A), a) true $(equal $(B), b)) Y = $(and $(equal $(A), a) true $(equal $(A), $(B)))
$(or e1, ..., en) : String e1, ..., en: String Sequence
The or function evaluates to the disjunction of its arguments.
For example, in the following code, X is true, and Y is false.
A = a B = b X = $(or $(equal $(A), a) false $(equal $(A), $(B))) Y = $(or $(equal $(A), $(B)) $(equal $(A), b))
$(if e1, e2[, e3]) : value e1 : String e2, e3 : value
The if function represents a conditional based on a Boolean value. For example $(if $(equal a, b), c, d) evaluates to d.
Conditionals may also be declared with an alternate syntax.
if e1 body1 elseif e2 body2 ... else bodyn
If the expression e1 is not false, then the expressions in body1 are evaluated and the result is returned as the value of the conditional. Otherwise, if e1 evaluates to false, the evaluation continues with the e2 expression. If none of the conditional expressions is true, then the expressions in bodyn are evaluated and the result is returned as the value of the conditional.
There can be any number of elseif clauses; the else clause is optional.
Note that each branch of the conditional defines its own scope, so variables defined in the branches are normally not visible outside the conditional. The export command may be used to export the variables defined in a scope. For example, the following expression represents a common idiom for defining the C compiler configuration.
if $(equal $(OSTYPE), Win32) CC = cl CFLAGS += /DWIN32 export else CC = gcc CFLAGS += -g -O2 export
The switch and match functions perform pattern matching.
$(switch <arg>, <pattern_1>, <value_1>, ..., <pattern_n>, <value_n>) $(match <arg>, <pattern_1>, <value_1>, ..., <pattern_n>, <value_n>)
The number of <pattern>/<value> pairs is arbitrary. They strictly alternate; the total number of arguments to <match> must be odd.
The <arg> is evaluated to a string, and compared with <pattern_1>. If it matches, the result of the expression is <value_1>. Otherwise evaluation continues with the remaining patterns until a match is found. If no pattern matches, the value is the empty string.
The switch function uses string comparison to compare the argument with the patterns. For example, the following expression defines the FILE variable to be either foo, bar, or the empty string, depending on the value of the OSTYPE variable.
FILE = $(switch $(OSTYPE), Win32, foo, Unix, bar)
The match function uses regular expression patterns (see the grep function). If a match is found, the variables $1, $2, ... are bound to the substrings matched between \( and \) delimiters. The $0 variable contains the entire match, and $* is an array of the matched substrings. to the matched substrings.
FILE = $(match foo_xyz/bar.a, foo_\\\(.*\\\)/\\\(.*\\\)\.a, foo_$2/$1.o)
The switch and match functions also have an alternate (more usable) form.
match e case pattern1 body1 case pattern2 body2 ... default bodyd
If the value of expression e matches pattern_i and no previous pattern, then body_i is evaluated and returned as the result of the match. The switch function uses string comparison; the match function uses regular expression matching.
match $(FILE) case $".*\(\.[^\/.]*\)" println(The string $(FILE) has suffix $1) default println(The string $(FILE) has no suffix)
try try-body catch class1(v1) catch-body when expr when-body ... finally finally-body
The try form is used for exception handling. First, the expressions in the try-body are evaluated.
If evaluation results in a value v without raising an exception, then the expressions in the finally-body are evaluated and the value v is returned as the result.
If evaluation of the try-body results in a exception object obj, the catch clauses are examined in order. When examining catch clause catch class(v), if the exception object obj is an instance of the class name class, the variable v is bound to the exception object, and the expressions in the catch-body are evaluated.
If a when clause is encountered while a catch body is being evaluated, the predicate expr is evaluated. If the result is true, evaluation continues with the expressions in the when-body. Otherwise, the next catch clause is considered for evaluation.
If evaluation of a catch-body or when-body completes successfully, returning a value v, without encountering another when clause, then the expressions in the finally-body are evaluated and the value v is returned as the result.
There can be any number of catch clauses; the finally clause is optional.
raise exn exn : Exception
The raise function raises an exception. The exn object can be any object. However, the normal convention is to raise an Exception object.
exit(code) code : Int
The exit function terminates omake abnormally.
$(exit <code>)
The exit function takes one integer argument, which is exit code. Non-zero values indicate abnormal termination.
$(defined sequence) : String sequence : Sequence
The defined function test whether all the variables in the sequence are currently defined. For example, the following code defines the X variable if it is not already defined.
if $(not $(defined X)) X = a b c export
$(defined-env sequence) : String sequence : String
The defined-env function tests whether a variable is defined as part of the process environment.
For example, the following code adds the -g compile option if the environment variable DEBUG is defined.
if $(defined-env DEBUG) CFLAGS += -g export
$(getenv name) : String $(getenv name, default) : String
The getenv function gets the value of a variable from the process environment. The function takes one or two arguments.
In the single argument form, an exception is raised if the variable variable is not defined in the environment. In the two-argument form, the second argument is returned as the result if the value is not defined.
For example, the following code defines the variable X to be a space-separated list of elements of the PATH environment variable if it is defined, and to /bin /usr/bin otherwise.
X = $(split $(PATHSEP), $(getenv PATH, /bin:/usr/bin))
You may also use the alternate form.
setenv(name, value) name : String value : String
The setenv function sets the value of a variable in the process environment. Environment variables are scoped like normal variables.
get-registry(hkey, key, field) : String get-registry(hkey, key, field, default) : String hkey : String key : String field : String
The get-registry function retrieves a string value from the system registry on Win32. On other architectures, there is no registry.
The hive (I think that is the right word), indicates which part of the registry to use. It should be one of the following values.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
Refer to the Microsoft documentation if you want to know what these mean.
The key is the field you want to get from the registry. It should have a form like A\B\C (if you use forward slashes, they will be converted to backslashes). The field is the sub-field of the key.
In the 4-argument form, the default is returned on failure. You may also use the alternate form.
get-registry(hkey, key, field) default
$(getvar name) : String
The getvar function gets the value of a variable.
An exception is raised if the variable variable is not defined.
For example, the following code defines X to be the string abc.
NAME = foo foo_1 = abc X = $(getvar $(NAME)_1)
setvar(name, value) name : String value : String
The setvar function defines a new variable. For example, the following code defines the variable X to be the string abc.
NAME = X setvar($(NAME), abc)
$(array elements) : Array elements : Sequence
The array function creates an array from a sequence. If the <arg> is a string, the elements of the array are the whitespace-separated elements of the string, respecting quotes.
In addition, array variables can be declared as follows.
A[] = <val1> ... <valn>
In this case, the elements of the array are exactly <val1>, ..., <valn>, and whitespace is preserved literally.
$(split sep, elements) : Array sep : String elements : Sequence
The split function takes two arguments, a string of separators, and a string argument. The result is an array of elements determined by splitting the elements by all occurrence of the separator in the elements sequence.
For example, in the following code, the X variable is defined to be the array /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin.
PATH = /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin X = $(split :, $(PATH))
The sep argument may be omitted. In this case split breaks its arguments along the white space. Quotations are not split.
$(concat sep, elements) : String sep : String elements : Sequence
The concat function takes two arguments, a separator string, and a sequence of elements. The result is a string formed by concatenating the elements, placing the separator between adjacent elements.
For example, in the following code, the X variable is defined to be the string foo_x_bar_x_baz.
X = foo bar baz Y = $(concat _x_, $(X))
$(length sequence) : Int sequence : Sequence
The length function returns the number of elements in its argument.
For example, the expression $(length a b "c d") evaluates to 3.
$(nth sequence) : value sequence : Sequence raises RuntimeException
The nth function returns the nth element of its argument, treated as a list. Counting starts at 0. An exception is raised if the index is not in bounds.
For example, the expression $(nth 1, a "b c" d) evaluates to "b c".
$(rev sequence) : Sequence sequence : Sequence
The rev function returns the elements of a sequence in reverse order. For example, the expression $(rev a "b c" d) evaluates to d "b c" a.
$(string sequence) : String sequence : Sequence
The string function flattens a sequence into a single string. This is similar to the concat function, but the elements are separated by whitespace. The result is treated as a unit; whitespace is significant.
$(quote sequence) : String sequence : Sequence
The quote function flattens a sequence into a single string and adds quotes around the string. Inner quotation symbols are escaped.
For example, the expression $(quote a "b c" d) evaluates to "a \"b c\" d", and $(quote abc) evaluates to "abc".
$(quote-argv sequence) : String sequence : Sequence
The quote-argv function flattens a sequence into a single string, and adds quotes around the string. The quotation is formed so that a command-line parse can separate the string back into its components.
$(html-string sequence) : String sequence : Sequence
The html-string function flattens a sequence into a single string, and escaped special HTML characters. This is similar to the concat function, but the elements are separated by whitespace. The result is treated as a unit; whitespace is significant.
$(addsuffix suffix, sequence) : Array suffix : String sequence : Sequence
The addsuffix function adds a suffix to each component of sequence. The number of elements in the array is exactly the same as the number of elements in the sequence.
For example, $(addsuffix .c, a b "c d") evaluates to a.c b.c "c d".c.
$(mapsuffix suffix, sequence) : Array suffix : value sequence : Sequence
The mapsuffix function adds a suffix to each component of sequence. It is similar to addsuffix, but uses array concatenation instead of string concatenation. The number of elements in the array is twice the number of elements in the sequence.
For example, $(mapsuffix .c, a b "c d") evaluates to a .c b .c "c d" .c.
$(addsuffixes suffixes, sequence) : Array suffixes : Sequence sequence : Sequence
The addsuffixes function adds all suffixes in its first argument to each component of a sequence. If suffixes has n elements, and sequence has m elements, the the result has n * m elements.
For example, the $(addsuffixes .c .o, a b c) expressions evaluates to a.c a.o b.c b.o c.o c.a.
$(removeprefix prefix, sequence) : Array prefix : String sequence : Array
The removeprefix function removes a prefix from each component of a sequence.
$(removesuffix sequence) : Array sequence : String
The removesuffix function removes the suffixes from each component of a sequence.
For example, $(removesuffix a.c "c d") expands to a b "c d".
$(replacesuffixes old-suffixes, new-suffixes, sequence) : Array old-suffixes : Sequence new-suffixes : Sequence sequence : Sequence
The replacesuffixes function modifies the suffix of each component in sequence. The old-suffixes and new-suffixes sequences should have the same length.
For example, $(replacesuffixes, .h .c, .o .o, a.c b.h c.z) expands to a.o b.o c.z.
$(addprefix prefix, sequence) : Array prefix : String sequence : Sequence
The addprefix function adds a prefix to each component of a sequence. The number of element in the result array is exactly the same as the number of elements in the argument sequence.
For example, $(addprefix foo/, a b "c d") evaluates to foo/a foo/b foo/"c d".
$(mapprefix prefix, sequence) : Array prefix : String sequence : Sequence
The mapprefix function adds a prefix to each component of a sequence. It is similar to addprefix, but array concatenation is used instead of string concatenation. The result array contains twice as many elements as the argument sequence.
For example, $(mapprefix foo, a b "c d") expands to foo a foo b foo "c d".
$(add-wrapper prefix, suffix, sequence) : Array prefix : String suffix : String sequence : Sequence
The add-wrapper functions adds both a prefix and a suffix to each component of a sequence. For example, the expression $(add-wrapper dir/, .c, a b) evaluates to dir/a.c dir/b.c. String concatenation is used. The array result has the same number of elements as the argument sequence.
$(set sequence) : Array sequence : Sequence
The set function sorts a set of string components, eliminating duplicates.
For example, $(set z y z "m n" w a) expands to "m n" a w y z.
$(mem elem, sequence) : Boolean elem : String sequence : Sequence
The mem function tests for membership in a sequence.
For example, $(mem "m n", y z "m n" w a) evaluates to true, while $(mem m n, y z "m n" w a) evaluates to false.
$(intersection sequence1, sequence2) : Array sequence1 : Sequence sequence2 : Sequence
The intersection function takes two arguments, treats them as sets of strings, and computes their intersection. The order of the result is undefined, and it may contain duplicates. Use the set function to sort the result and eliminate duplicates in the result if desired.
For example, the expression $(intersection c a b a, b a) evaluates to a b a.
$(intersects sequence1, sequence2) : Boolean sequence1 : Sequence sequence2 : Sequence
The intersects function tests whether two sets have a non-empty intersection. This is slightly more efficient than computing the intersection and testing whether it is empty.
For example, the expression $(intersects a b c, d c e) evaluates to true, and $(intersects a b c a, d e f) evaluates to false.
$(set-diff sequence1, sequence2) : Array sequence1 : Sequence sequence2 : Sequence
The set-diff function takes two arguments, treats them as sets of strings, and computes their difference (all the elements of the first set that are not present in the second one). The order of the result is undefined and it may contain duplicates. Use the set function to sort the result and eliminate duplicates in the result if desired.
For example, the expression $(set-diff c a b a e, b a) evaluates to c e.
$(filter patterns, sequence) : Array patterns : Sequence sequence : Sequence
The filter function picks elements from a sequence. The patterns is a non-empty sequence of patterns, each may contain one occurrence of the wildcard % character.
For example $(filter %.h %.o, a.c x.o b.h y.o "hello world".c) evaluates to x.o b.h y.o.
$(filter-out patterns, sequence) : Array patterns : Sequence sequence : Sequence
The filter-out function removes elements from a sequence. The patterns is a non-empty sequence of patterns, each may contain one occurrence of the wildcard % character.
For example $(filter-out %.c %.h, a.c x.o b.h y.o "hello world".c) evaluates to x.o y.o.
$(capitalize sequence) : Array sequence : Sequence
The capitalize function capitalizes each word in a sequence. For example, $(capitalize through the looking Glass) evaluates to Through The Looking Glass.
$(uncapitalize sequence) : Array sequence : Sequence
The uncapitalize function uncapitalizes each word in its argument.
For example, $(uncapitalize through the looking Glass) evaluates to through the looking glass.
$(uppercase sequence) : Array sequence : Sequence
The uppercase function converts each word in a sequence to uppercase. For example, $(uppercase through the looking Glass) evaluates to THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS.
$(lowercase sequence) : Array sequence : Sequence
The lowercase function reduces each word in its argument to lowercase.
For example, $(lowercase through tHe looking Glass) evaluates to through the looking glass.
system(s) s : Sequence
The system function is used to evaluate a shell expression. This function is used internally by omake to evaluate shell commands.
For example, the following program is equivalent to the expression system(ls foo).
ls foo
$(shell command) : Array $(shella command) : Array $(shell-code command) : Int command : Sequence
The shell function evaluates a command using the command shell, and returns the whitespace-separated words of the standard output as the result.
The shella function acts similarly, but it returns the lines as separate items in the array.
The shell-code function returns the exit code. The output is not diverted.
For example, if the current directory contains the files OMakeroot, OMakefile, and hello.c, then $(shell ls) evaluates to hello.c OMakefile OMakeroot (on a Unix system).
The int function can be used to create integers. It returns an Int object.
$(int 17).
The float function can be used to create floating-point numbers. It returns a Float object.
$(float 3.1415926).
The following functions can be used to perform basic arithmetic.
- *
- $(neg <numbers>): arithmetic inverse
- *
- $(add <numbers>): addition.
- *
- $(sub <numbers>): subtraction.
- *
- $(mul <numbers>): multiplication.
- *
- $(div <numbers>): division.
- *
- $(mod <numbers>): remainder.
- *
- $(lnot <numbers>): bitwise inverse.
- *
- $(land <numbers>): bitwise and.
- *
- $(lor <numbers>): bitwise or.
- *
- $(lxor <numbers>): bitwise exclusive-or.
- *
- $(lsl <numbers>): logical shift left.
- *
- $(lsr <numbers>): logical shift right.
- *
- $(asr <numbers>): arithmetic shift right.
The following functions can be used to perform numerical comparisons.
- *
- $(lt <numbers>): less then.
- *
- $(le <numbers>): no more than.
- *
- $(eq <numbers>): equal.
- *
- $(ge <numbers>): no less than.
- *
- $(gt <numbers>): greater than.
- *
- $(ult <numbers>): unsigned less than.
- *
- $(ule <numbers>): unsigned greater than.
- *
- $(uge <numbers>): unsigned greater than or equal.
- *
- $(ugt <numbers>): unsigned greater than.
The fun form introduces anonymous functions.
$(fun <v1>, ..., <vn>, <body>)
The last argument is the body of the function. The other arguments are the parameter names.
The three following definitions are equivalent.
F(X, Y) = return($(addsuffix $(Y), $(X)))
F = $(fun X, Y, $(addsuffix $(Y), $(X)))
F = fun(X, Y) value $(addsuffix $(Y), $(X))
The apply operator is used to apply a function.
$(apply <fun>, <args>)
Suppose we have the following function definition.
F(X, Y) = return($(addsuffix $(Y), $(X)))
The the two expressions below are equivalent.
X = F(a b c, .c) X = $(apply $(F), a b c, .c)
The applya operator is used to apply a function to an array of arguments.
$(applya <fun>, <args>)
For example, in the following program, the value of Z is file.c.
F(X, Y) = return($(addsuffix $(Y), $(X))) args[] = file .c Z = $(applya $(F), $(args))
The foreach function maps a function over a sequence.
$(foreach <fun>, <args>)
foreach(<var>, <args>) <body>
For example, the following program defines the variable X as an array a.c b.c c.c.
X = foreach(x, a b c) value $(x).c
# Equivalent expression X = $(foreach $(fun x, $(x).c), abc)
There is also an abbreviated syntax.
The export form can also be used in a foreach body. The final value of X is a.c b.c c.c.
X = foreach(x, a b c) X += $(x).c export
$(file sequence) : File Sequence sequence : Sequence $(dir sequence) : Dir Sequence sequence : Sequence
The file and dir functions define location-independent references to files and directories. In omake, the commands to build a target are executed in the target's directory. Since there may be many directories in an omake project, the build system provides a way to construct a reference to a file in one directory, and use it in another without explicitly modifying the file name. The functions have the following syntax, where the name should refer to a file or directory.
For example, we can construct a reference to a file foo in the current directory.
FOO = $(file foo) .SUBDIRS: bar
If the FOO variable is expanded in the bar subdirectory, it will expand to ../foo.
These commands are often used in the top-level OMakefile to provide location-independent references to top-level directories, so that build commands may refer to these directories as if they were absolute.
ROOT = $(dir .) LIB = $(dir lib) BIN = $(dir bin)
Once these variables are defined, they can be used in build commands in subdirectories as follows, where $(BIN) will expand to the location of the bin directory relative to the command being executed.
install: hello cp hello $(BIN)
$(tmpfile prefix) : File $(tmpfile prefix, suffix) : File prefix : String suffix : String
The tmpfile function returns the name of a fresh temporary file in the temporary directory.
$(in dir, exp) : String Array dir : Dir exp : expression
The in function is closely related to the dir and file functions. It takes a directory and an expression, and evaluates the expression in that effective directory. For example, one common way to install a file is to define a symbol link, where the value of the link is relative to the directory where the link is created.
The following commands create links in the $(LIB) directory.
FOO = $(file foo) install: ln -s $(in $(LIB), $(FOO)) $(LIB)/foo
Note that the in function only affects the expansion of Node (File and Dir) values.
$(which files) : File Sequence files : String Sequence
The which function searches for executables in the current command search path, and returns file values for each of the commands. It is an error if a command is not found.
The where function is similar to which, except it returns the list of all the locations of the given executable (in the order in which the corresponding directories appear in $PATH). In case a command is handled internally by the Shell object, the first string in the output will describe the command as a built-in function.
% where echo echo is a Shell object method (a built-in function) /bin/echo
$(exists-in-path files) : String files : String Sequence
The exists-in-path function tests whether all executables are present in the current search path.
$(basename files) : String Sequence files : String Sequence
The basename function returns the base names for a list of files. The basename is the filename with any leading directory components removed.
For example, the expression $(basename dir1/dir2/a.out /etc/modules.conf / evaluates to a.out modules.conf
$(rootname files) : String Sequence files : String Sequence
The rootname function returns the root name for a list of files. The rootname is the filename with the final suffix removed.
For example, the expression $(rootname dir1/dir2/a.out /etc/a.b.c / evaluates to dir1/dir2/a /etc/a.b /foo.
$(dirof files) : Dir Sequence files : File Sequence
The dirof function returns the directory for each of the listed files.
For example, the expression $(dirof dir/dir2/a.out /etc/modules.conf / evaluates to the directories dir1/dir2 /etc /.
$(fullname files) : String Sequence files : File Sequence
The fullname function returns the pathname relative to the project root for each of the files or directories.
$(absname files) : String Sequence files : File Sequence
The absname function returns the absolute pathname for each of the files or directories.
$(homename files) : String Sequence files : File Sequence
The homename function returns the name of a file in tilde form, if possible. The unexpanded forms are computed lazily: the homename function will usually evaluate to an absolute pathname until the first tilde-expansion for the same directory.
$(suffix files) : String Sequence files : StringSequence
The suffix function returns the suffixes for a list of files. If a file has no suffix, the function returns the empty string.
For example, the expression $(suffix dir1/dir2/a.out /etc/a / evaluates to .out .ml.
$(file-exists files) : String $(target-exists files) : String $(target-is-proper files) : String files : File Sequence
The file-exists function checks whether the files listed exist. The target-exists function is similar to the file-exists function. However, it returns true if the file exists or if it can be built by the current project. The target-is-proper returns true only if the file can be generated in the current project.
$(filter-exists files) : File Sequence $(filter-targets files) : File Sequence $(filter-proper-targets) : File Sequence files : File Sequence
The filter-exists, filter-targets, and filter-proper-targets functions remove files from a list of files.
- *
- filter-exists: the result is the list of files that exist.
- *
- filter-targets: the result is the list of files either exist, or can be built by the current project.
- *
- filter-proper-targets: the result is the list of files that can be built in the current project.
One way to create a simple ``clean'' rule that removes generated files from the project is by removing all files that can be built in the current project. CAUTION: you should be careful before you do this. The rule removes any file that can potentially be reconstructed. There is no check to make sure that the commands to rebuild the file would actually succeed. Also, note that no file outside the current project will be deleted.
.PHONY: clean
clean: rm $(filter-proper-targets $(ls R, .))
See the dependencies-proper function to see an alternate method for removing intermediate files.
If you use CVS, you may wish to use the cvs_realclean program that is distributed with omake.
$(file-sort order, files) : File Sequence order : String files : File Sequence
The file-sort function sorts a list of filenames by build order augmented by a set of sort rules. Sort rules are declared using the .ORDER target. The .BUILDORDER defines the default order.
$(file-sort <order>, <files>)
For example, suppose we have the following set of rules.
a: b c b: d c: d
.DEFAULT: a b c d echo $(file-sort .BUILDORDER, a b c d)
In the case, the sorter produces the result d b c a. That is, a target is sorted after its dependencies. The sorter is frequently used to sort files that are to be linked by their dependencies (for languages where this matters).
There are three important restrictions to the sorter:
- *
- The sorter can be used only within a rule body. The reason for this is that all dependencies must be known before the sort is performed.
- *
- The sorter can only sort files that are buildable in the current project.
- *
- The sorter will fail if the dependencies are cyclic.
It is possible to further constrain the sorter through the use of sort rules. A sort rule is declared in two steps. The target must be listed as an .ORDER target; and then a set of sort rules must be given. A sort rule defines a pattern constraint.
.DEFAULT: c.baz d.baz echo $(sort .MYORDER, c.baz d.baz)
In this example, the .MYORDER sort rule specifies that any file with a suffix .foo should be placed after any file with suffix .bar, and any file with suffix .bar should be placed after a file with suffix .baz.
In this example, the result of the sort is d.baz c.baz
file-check-sort(files) files : File Sequence raises RuntimeException
The file-check-sort function checks whether a list of files is in sort order. If so, the list is returned unchanged. If not, the function raises an exception.
$(file-check-sort <order>, <files>)
$(glob strings) : Node Array strings : String Sequence $(glob options, strings) : Node Array options : String strings : String Sequence
The glob function performs glob-expansion.
The . and .. entries are always ignored.
The options are:
- b
- Do not perform csh(1)-style brace expansion.
- e
- The \ character does not escape special characters.
- n
- If an expansion fails, return the expansion literally instead of aborting.
- i
- If an expansion fails, it expands to nothing.
- .
- Allow wildcard patterns to match files beginning with a .
- A
- Return all files, including files that begin with a .
- D
- Match only directory files.
- C
- Ignore files according to cvs(1) rules.
- P
- Include only proper subdirectories.
In addition, the following variables may be defined that affect the behavior of glob.
- A string containing default options.
- A list of shell patterns for filenames that glob should ignore.
- A list of shell patterns. If a file does not match a pattern in GLOB_ALLOW, it is ignored.
The returned files are sorted by name.
$(ls files) : Node Array files : String Sequence $(ls options, files) : Node Array files : String Sequence
The ls function returns the filenames in a directory.
The . and .. entries are always ignored. The patterns are shell-style patterns, and are glob-expanded.
The options include all of the options to the glob function, plus the following.
- R
- Perform a recursive listing.
The GLOB_ALLOW and GLOB_IGNORE variables can be defined to control the globbing behavior. The returned files are sorted by name.
$(subdirs dirs) : Dir Array dirs : String Sequence $(subdirs options, dirs) : Dir Array options : String dirs : String Sequence
The subdirs function returns all the subdirectories of a list of directories, recursively.
The possible options are the following:
- A
- Return directories that begin with a .
- C
- Ignore files according to .cvsignore rules.
- P
- Include only proper subdirectories.
mkdir(mode, node...) mode : Int node : Node raises RuntimeException
mkdir(node...) node : Node raises RuntimeException
The mkdir function creates a directory, or a set of directories. The following options are supported.
- -m mode
- Specify the permissions of the created directory.
- -p
- Create parent directories if they do not exist.
- --
- Interpret the remaining names literally.
The Stat object represents the result returned by the stat and lstat functions. It contains the following fields.
A stat object has the following fields. Not all of the fields will have meaning on all architectures.
- dev
- : the device number.
- ino
- : the inode number.
- kind
- : the kind of the file, one of the following: REG (regular file), DIR (directory), CHR (character device), BLK (block device), LNK (symbolic link), FIFO (named pipe), SOCK (socket).
- perm
- : access rights, represented as an integer.
- nlink
- : number of links.
- uid
- : user id of the owner.
- gid
- : group id of the file's group.
- rdev
- : device minor number.
- size
- : size in bytes.
- atime
- : last access time, as a floating point number.
- mtime
- : last modification time, as a floating point number.
- ctime
- : last status change time, as a floating point number.
$(stat node...) : Stat node : Node or Channel $(lstat node...) : Stat node : Node or Channel raises RuntimeException
The stat functions return file information. If the file is a symbolic link, the stat function refers to the destination of the link; the lstat function refers to the link itself.
$(unlink file...) file : File #(rm file...) file : File $(rmdir dir...) dir : Dir raises RuntimeException
The unlink and rm functions remove a file. The rmdir function removes a directory.
The following options are supported for rm and rmdir.
- -f
- ignore nonexistent files, never prompt.
- -i
- prompt before removal.
- -r
- remove the contents of directories recursively.
- -v
- explain what is going on.
- --
- the rest of the values are interpreted literally.
rename(old, new) old : Node new : Node mv(nodes... dir) nodes : Node Sequence dir : Dir cp(nodes... dir) nodes : Node Sequence dir : Dir raises RuntimeException
The rename function changes the name of a file or directory named old to new.
The mv function is similar, but if new is a directory, and it exists, then the files specified by the sequence are moved into the directory. If not, the behavior of mv is identical to rename. The cp function is similar, but the original file is not removed.
The mv and cp functions take the following options.
- -f
- Do not prompt before overwriting.
- -i
- Prompt before overwriting.
- -v
- Explain what it happening.
- -r
- Copy the contents of directories recursively.
- --
- Interpret the remaining arguments literally.
link(src, dst) src : Node dst : Node raises RuntimeException
The link function creates a hard link named dst to the file or directory src.
Hard links are not supported in Win32.
Normally, only the superuser can create hard links to directories.
symlink(src, dst) src : Node dst : Node raises RuntimeException
The symlink function creates a symbolic link dst that points to the src file.
The link name is computed relative to the target directory. For example, the expression $(symlink a/b, c/d) creates a link named c/d -> ../a/b.
Symbolic links are not supported in Win32.
$(readlink node...) : Node node : Node
The readlink function reads the value of a symbolic link.
chmod(mode, dst...) mode : Int dst : Node or Channel chmod(mode dst...) mode : String dst : Node Sequence raises RuntimeException
The chmod function changes the permissions of the targets. The chmod function does nothing on Win32 platforms.
- -v
- Explain what is happening.
- -r
- Change files and directories recursively.
- -f
- Continue on errors.
- --
- Interpret the remaining argument literally.
chown(uid, gid, node...) uid : Int gid : Int node : Node or Channel chown(uid, node...) uid : Int node : Node or Channel raises RuntimeException
The chown function changes the user and group id of the file. If the gid is not specified, it is not changed. If either id is -1, that id is not changed.
$(umask mode) : Int mode : Int raises RuntimeException
Sets the file mode creation mask. The previous mask is returned. This value is not scoped, changes have global effect.
$(digest files) : String Array file : File Array raises RuntimeException
$(digest-optional files) : String Array file : File Array
The digest and digest-optional functions compute MD5 digests of files. The digest function raises an exception if a file does no exist. The digest-optional returns false if a file does no exist. MD5 digests are cached.
$(find-in-path path, files) : File Array path : Dir Array files : String Array raises RuntimeException
$(find-in-path-optional path, files) : File Array
The find-in-path function searches for the files in a search path. Only the tail of the filename is significant. The find-in-path function raises an exception if the file can't be found. The find-in-path-optional function silently removes files that can't be found.
$(digest-in-path path, files) : String/File Array path : Dir Array files : String Array raises RuntimeException
$(digest-in-path-optional path, files) : String/File Array
The digest-in-path function searches for the files in a search path and returns the file and digest for each file. Only the tail of the filename is significant. The digest-in-path function raises an exception if the file can't be found. The digest-in-path-optional function silently removes elements that can't be found.
The rehash function resets all search paths.
vmount(src, dst) src, dst : Dir vmount(flags, src, dst) flags : String src, dst : Dir
``Mount'' the src directory on the dst directory. This is a virtual mount, changing the behavior of the $(file ...) function. When the $(file str) function is used, the resulting file is taken relative to the src directory if the file exists. Otherwise, the file is relative to the current directory.
The main purpose of the vmount function is to support multiple builds with separate configurations or architectures.
The options are as follows.
- l
- Create symbolic links to files in the src directory.
- c
- Copy files from the src directory.
Mount operations are scoped.
add-project-directories(dirs) dirs : Dir Array
Add the directories to the set of directories that omake considers to be part of the project. This is mainly used to avoid omake complaining that the current directory is not part of the project.
test(exp) : Bool exp : String Sequence
The expression grammar is as follows:
- *
- ! expression : expression is not true
- *
- expression1 -a expression2 : both expressions are true
- *
- expression1 -o expression2 : at least one expression is true
- *
- ( expression ) : expression is true
The base expressions are:
- *
- -n string : The string has nonzero length
- *
- -z string : The string has zero length
- *
- string = string : The strings are equal
- *
- string != string : The strings are not equal
- *
- int1 -eq int2 : The integers are equal
- *
- int1 -ne int2 : The integers are not equal
- *
- int1 -gt int2 : int1 is larger than int2
- *
- int1 -ge int2 : int2 is not larger than int1
- *
- int1 -lt int2 : int1 is smaller than int2
- *
- int1 -le int2 : int1 is not larger than int2
- *
- file1 -ef file2 : On Unix, file1 and file2 have the same device and inode number. On Win32, file1 and file2 have the same name.
- *
- file1 -nt file2 : file1 is newer than file2
- *
- file1 -ot file2 : file1 is older than file2
- *
- -b file : The file is a block special file
- *
- -c file : The file is a character special file
- *
- -d file : The file is a directory
- *
- -e file : The file exists
- *
- -f file : The file is a normal file
- *
- -g file : The set -group-id bit is set on the file
- *
- -G file : The file's group is the current effective group
- *
- -h file : The file is a symbolic link (also -L)
- *
- -k file : The file's sticky bit is set
- *
- -L file : The file is a symbolic link (also -h)
- *
- -O file : The file's owner is the current effective user
- *
- -p file : The file is a named pipe
- *
- -r file : The file is readable
- *
- -s file : The file is empty
- *
- -S file : The file is a socket
- *
- -u file : The set -user-id bit is set on the file
- *
- -w file : The file is writable
- *
- -x file : The file is executable
A string is any sequence of characters; leading - characters are allowed.
An int is a string that can be interpreted as an integer. Unlike traditional versions of the test program, the leading characters may specify an arity. The prefix 0b means the numbers is in binary; the prefix 0o means the number is in octal; the prefix 0x means the number is in hexadecimal. An int can also be specified as -l string, which evaluates to the length of the string.
A file is a string that represents the name of a file.
find(exp) : Node Array exp : String Sequence
The find function searches a directory recursively, returning the files for which the expression evaluates to true.
The expression argument uses the same syntax as the test function, with the following exceptions.
- 1.
- The expression may begin with a directory. If not specified, the current directory is searched.
- 2.
- The {} string expands to the current file being examined.
The syntax of the expression is the same as test, with the following additions.
- *
- -name string : The current file matches the regular expression.
omake(1), omake-quickstart(1), omake-options(1), omake-root(1), omake-language(1), omake-shell(1), omake-rules(1), omake-base(1), omake-system(1), omake-pervasives(1), osh(1), make(1)
Version: of December 28, 2005.
(C)2003-2005, Jason Hickey, Caltech 256-80, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
Jason Hickey
Caltech 256-80
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA