man amavis-inject () - Resend AMaViS-ng's quarantined messages


amavis-inject - Resend AMaViS-ng's quarantined messages


amavis-inject [ options ] [ ] [ file ...]


amavis-inject can process a message that has been put into a quarantine directroy by AMaViS-ng.

If no files are specified, one message is read from STDIN.

Unless specified, Envelope-From and Envelope-To are taken from X-Quarantine-[From,To] headers in message file. These headers will be removed when sending.


-s, --sender
Set Sender address in envelope, ignoring information from file
-r, --recipient
Set Recipients in envelope, ignoring information from file
-b, --bsmtp
Generate BSMTP output (default)
-S[host:[port]] --smtp [host:[port]]
Send mail via SMTP
-a, --add-recipient
Add Recipient address to envelope

 -h, --help

Display a short usage summary.


amavis-inject was written by Hilko Bengen <>


amavis-inject may be copied amd modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License.