man bric_pgimport () - Builds a Bricolage Database


bric_pgimport - Builds a Bricolage Database




$LastChangedDate: 2004-06-08 19:22:34 -0700 (Tue, 08 Jun 2004) $


  bric_pgimport [options]


This is a developer program. Users should CWmake and CWmake install to build their Bricolage installations and database. Note that it only works with PostgreSQL 7.3 and later.


The location of the psql program. Defaults to simply 'psql' if undefined. This should work if psql is in your path.
The directory with the Subversion SQL files. Defaults to lib subdirectory of BRICOLAGE_ROOT environment variable, which itself defaults to /usr/share/bricolage.
Database user login. Defaults to CWPGUSER environment variable.
Database user password. Defaults to CWPGPASSWORD environment variable.
Database name. Defaults to CWPGDATABASE environment variable.
PostgreSQL server host name. Will use CWPGHOST environment variable or else PostgreSQL assumes that it's connecting via local Unix sockets.
PostgreSQL server port number. Will use CWPGPORT environment variable or else PostgreSQL assumes that it's connecting via local Unix sockets.
Create the database first.
Drop and recreate the exiting database (assumes -c).
Make a new user. Pass in the user name and password separated by a colon. Permissions will be granted to this user to access the new database (assumes -g for this user).
User name to which permissions should be granted on the new database.
If true, insert database test values.
Print this help message.
Quiet mode.


Garth Web <>

David Wheeler <>

