man bric_queued () - Bricolage jobs queue daemon
bric_queued - Bricolage jobs queue daemon
bric_queud [options]
bric_queued runs as a daemon that polls a Bricolage jobs queue and executes any unexecuted jobs with current or past scheduled times. Normally, (see CW-s) it executes all of the jobs found in a given poll in order of their scheduled times with distribution and publish jobs handled by seperate sub-processessince distribution is normally an order of magnitude faster than publishing.
In cases where the program finds no jobs in the queue it will wait a specified amount of time (defaulting to 30 seconds) and then re-poll.
Unlike bric_dist_mon, bric_queued is a stand-alone program that makes no HTTP requests to the Bricolage Apache/mod_perl server. This allows it to to publish and distribute resources in its own process without bogging down the Apache/mod_perl server and therefore its UI.
The username to use for the distribution.
The password for the user specified by the CW--username option.
-p <file> | --pid <file>
Specifies a pid file.
-d <number> | --delay <number>
Specifies a delay in seconds after finding the queue empty.
-s [type] | --single [type]
Run a single job of CWtype where CWtype is one of 'pub' or 'dist'. Implies -verbose.
-v | --verbose
Turn on verbose mode for debugging.
-l <file> | --log <file>
Specifies a file to which to send debugging information. There is no need to use this option for normal operation since Bricolage stores this information in its database in much greater detail.
-h | --help
Print usage information and exit.
Set this environment variable as usual to indicate where to find the Bricolage libraries.
Perl Modules
- Getopt::Long
- Pod::Usage
- File::Spec::Functions
Mark Jaroski <>