man findrule () - command line wrapper to File::Find::Rule


findrule - command line wrapper to File::Find::Rule


  findrule [path...] [expression]


CWfindrule mostly borrows the interface from GNU find(1) to provide a command-line interface onto the File::Find::Rule heirarchy of modules.

The syntax for expressions is the rule name, preceded by a dash, followed by an optional argument. If the argument is an opening parenthesis it is taken as a list of arguments, terminated by a closing parenthesis.

Some examples:

 find -file -name ( foo bar )

files named CWfoo or CWbar, below the current directory.

 find -file -name foo -bar

files named CWfoo, that have pubs (for this is what our ficticious CWbar clause specifies), below the current directory.

 find -file -name ( -bar )

files named CW-bar, below the current directory. In this case if we'd have omitted the parenthesis it would have parsed as a call to name with no arguments, followed by a call to -bar.

Supported switches

I'm very slack. Please consult the File::Find::Rule manpage for now, and prepend - to the commands that you want.

Extra bonus switches

findrule automatically loads all of your installed File::Find::Rule::* extension modules, so check the documentation to see what those would be.


Richard Clamp <> from a suggestion by Tatsuhiko Miyagawa


Copyright (C) 2002 Richard Clamp. All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

