man tv_grab_au () - Grab TV listings for Australia.


tv_grab_au (0.6.2) - Grab TV listings for Australia.


tv_grab_au --help

tv_grab_au --configure [--config-file FILE]

tv_grab_au [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--days N] [--offset N] [--dual-names] [--no-icons] [--quiet] [--debug]

tv_grab_au --list-channels [--loc STATE] [--srv SERVICE] [--output FILE] [--dual-names] [--no-icons]


Output XMLTV listings for various channels available in Australia.

First run tv_grab_au --configure to choose your region and service provider (ie: free-to-air, pay TV, etc), and which channels you want to download.

Then running tv_grab_au with no arguments will output listings in XMLTV format to standard output.

--configure Prompt for region, prompt for Free-to-Air or Pay-TV, prompt for which channels, and write the configuration file.

--config-file FILE Set the name of the configuration file, the default is ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_au.conf. This is the file written by --configure and read when grabbing.

--list-channels Grabs a list of channels only and outputs as XMLTV. Use --loc to specify region and --srv to specify service. Use --list-channels with no --loc or --srv to list of options for --loc, use --list-channels with --loc [option] to see a list of options for --srv.

--output FILE Write to FILE rather than standard output.

--days N Grab N days, default is 7.

--offset N Start N days in the future. The default is to start from today.

--loc REGION Grab channels for REGION. use --list-channels with no options to see list of regions.

--srv SERVICE Grab channels for SERVICE. use --list-channels with --loc option to see list of services (Foxtel, Optus, Free-To-Air, etc).

--no-icons Force grabber to NOT write channel icons as URLs.

--dual-names Force grabber to write a second display-name for each channel found using the channel frequency as the second name. This helps furious_tv users.

--quiet Suppress the progress messages normally written to standard error.

--debug Output debugging info.

--share Specify alternate directory for channel_ids file, usally found in /usr/share/xmltv/tv_grab_au/.


xmltv(5). <>


Written by rohbags (


The data source,, do some strange things with the timezones included with their data. For example data for Darwin claims to be in EST timezone (+1000) but it actually is CST (+0930). Due to this bug the grabber changes the timezones for start and stop times but does not convert the actual time itself. If the start and/or stop times for any shows you notice seem to be out, please contact the author.

Some long descriptions seem to be cut short. This is the way the grabber gets it data from its source. I hope D1 can sort this out soon.

The channel_ids file contains the Time Zones for each region, this may be specified as EST, WST or CST, or +10:00 format (hours from GMT).

Channels are identified by the RFC2838 form recommended by the XMLTV DTD, i think. (ie: Free-to-Air, Darwin, 7,

Please email the Author if any bugs are found.