man tv_grab_nl_wolf () - Grab TV listings for Holland.


tv_grab_nl_wolf - Grab TV listings for Holland.


tv_grab_nl_wolf --help

tv_grab_nl_wolf [--output FILE] [--days N] [--offset N] [--quiet]


Output TV listings for several channels available in the Netherlands. The data comes from Carlo de Wolf's site exporting listings in XMLTV format. The default is to grab as many days as possible from the current day onwards.

--output FILE write to FILE rather than standard output.

--days N grab N days starting from today, rather than as many as possible.

--offset N start grabbing N days from today, rather than starting today. N may be negative.

--quiet suppress the progress messages normally written to standard error.

--help print a help message and exit.


xmltv(5), <>


Ed Avis,


The grabber fetches data from the site with little processing. This means that if the upstream data is incorrect, the output of the grabber will be wrong. There are some fixes to correct errors such as stop < start, but others may creep in undetected.