- ulimit
set or report file size limit
- umask
get or set the file mode creation mask
- unalias
remove alias definitions
- uname
return system name
- uncompress
expand compressed data
- unexpand
convert spaces to tabs
- unget
undo a previous get of an SCCS file (DEVELOPMENT)
- uniq
report or filter out repeated lines in a file
- unlink
call the unlink function
- unset
unset values and attributes of variables and functions
- uucp
system-to-system copy
- uudecode
decode a binary file
- uuencode
encode a binary file
- uustat
uucp status inquiry and job control
- uux
remote command execution
- val
validate SCCS files (DEVELOPMENT)
- vi
screen-oriented (visual) display editor
- wait
await process completion
- wc
word, line, and byte or character count
- what
identify SCCS files (DEVELOPMENT)
- who
display who is on the system
- write
write to another user
- xargs
construct argument lists and invoke utility
- yacc
yet another compiler compiler (DEVELOPMENT)
- zcat
expand and concatenate data