man (Commandes) - adaptations to work with the newer macros like AC_INIT were also done now for the release 6.1.

STATUS works -- I'd advise to first use everything within the “dry modus” - adaptations to work with the newer macros like AC_INIT were also done now for the release 6.1.

NAME -- an i18n and admin helper script for the pre-release status of a project, awaking/warning the translators to update their translations and to print out neat statistics tables.

SYNTAX [-d | --days days] [-r | --release release] [-s | --send-to sendto languages] [-i | --ignore language codes to ignore] [-p | --podirectory po directory] [-a | --additional additional email address] [-m | --mailinglist mailing list address] [-S | --statistics] [-A | --send-to-all] [-D | --dry-run] [-n | --no-personal] [-N | --no-list] [-o | --output-file] [-t | --timer-stats]

DESCRIPTION makes i18n and project admins more happy alltogether .-)

It does mail all the last translators of the po files mails with their current translation status and the coming release (eventually also with a timed deadline if you do also use the corresponding command line parameter); it can also send the updated and merged po file to the last translator if wished and can easily also operate from other directories then the main project directory.

Though all of the nice features/options of you'd really know what you're doing or try running with only the "-D" option to get a dry preview of what the statistics are looking like.

See the EXAMPLE section for further examples on how doing all this.


All long options do have the same effect like the short options, I'm using the short options here just for a shorter text.

-r <Release_Number>
Specifies the coming releases's number -- normally tries to detect this automatically (it works only if the version string is given as a plain version string like “0.35” or “1.5” in the within AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE).
-d <Days_Remaining>
Specifies the days remaining for the release -- should be always given as translators can then time their po file update as they have got a deadline then.
-s <Sendto_Languages>
Specifies all the languages to whose last translator an updated and merged po file will be send via attachment. The languages list is separated by a “:” and should look like this “az:tr”.
-i <Languages_To_Ignore>
Works in a similar way like the “-s” option but does prevent the processing of the given list of languages -- this list has to be in the same format like the list for the lq-s” option, ergo with a “:” as a separator for the single entries.
-p <Podirectory_Location>
Does take the given Podirectory_Location as the base directory in which should operate.
-m <Mailinglist_Address>
Takes the given Mailinglist_Address as the mailing list address to which the coming release's announcement should be done -- the default is the GNOME-I18N list <>.
-a <Additional_Mailingaddress>
Mails the announcement message also to Additional_Mailingaddress.
Prints out the neat statistics table for the po files at the end.
Sends the updated and merged po files to all last translators -- any --send-to/-s argument is ignored if this switch is used.
Runs in dry mode, so that the statistics table is shown at the end but no mail is being sent to anyone.
Causes to not send any personal statistics EMail to the last translators, but to send the statistics EMail to the mailing list -- avoids the personal EMail spammage for the last translators if not wished.
No EMails are sent to the mailing list or any giving additional mail address.
-o Output_Filename
Print the eventually requested statistics table into the given Output_Filename instead of simply printing it out to stdout.
Show a small statistic about the time has run for the current working task.
Show a small help screen with all the options.
Show version informations about


Some real life examples for easier understanding how it can work:

For simply viewing the projects po files statistics and to not send any EMail (=just for preview of the statistics functions) you can do in the main project directory (with the "-o" option you can get the statistics table into the given statistics_for_all file): --dry-run (-o statistics_for_all)

Then you can simply run this if the release will be in 6 days and if you're in the main project directory: -d 6

A more concrete example: your project hasn't got a plain version string and will make the release 0.67 in 10 days: -r 0.67 -d 10

The project directory is in /PROJECT and in 10 days the release 1.0 will come out and the announcement mail should also be send to a <> address: -r 1.0 -d 10 -p /PROJECT -a "<>"

Sends all merged and updated po files to all last translators, finds project (hopefully) in /PROJECT and shows the statisticstable at the end of the process: -S -A -p /PROJECT

To avoid the sending of any personal/private EMail message to the last translators you can do the following: -n

Now the ultimate real life case where will get your loved release helper: you will do release 0.40 in 6 days and the "sv" and "tr" teams don't have got immediate CVS access or otherwise access to the newest po files, so that you should send the po files with the status and release announce mail to the last translators. In this case you can do it simply via -r 0.41 -d 6 -s sv:tr (and you're done -- the updated and merged po files will be send as attachments to the last translators for "sv" and "tr").

Everywhere you could also add a -S to view the statistics table at the end of the process.



The “config” resides in the general gtranslator directory structure and keeps some small informations about the current process/ usage in it. Any temporary file created by is also stored in this directory.


Fatih Demir <>