man pqacompile (Commandes) - compiler and decompiler for PalmVII Palm Query Apps


  LinPQA - compiler and decompiler for PalmVII Palm Query Apps


LinPQA is known to run on a Linux/Intel box. It should have no problems on just about anything. It should have no problems with endianity. You will need to have libpisock (part of the pilot-link package. Also available from Debian GNU/Linux) and development headers installed.


Useful, but not yet feature complete. Call it early alpha.


LinPQA is Free software released under the GNU General Public License, also known as Copyleft.


Does not support GIF due to the ongoing patent issues. Instead, it uses .pbm (Portable Bit Map) files, but calls them .gif for compatability.
Only some tags are supported. This will change with time, it's just not complete yet.
The PQAs are uncompressed. Once again, just a matter of time. Supporting all tags is a bigger priority. (But if you'd like to add it, be my guest).
User interface. It's more functional than friendly at this time.


all input tags
Select and option
&tm; (trademark symbol)


The tools are set up to work with one PQA per directory. pqadecompile will place all files in it's pwd and pqAcompile expects all files to be in it's pwd. The files LgIcon.pnm and SmIcon.pnm are 32x32 and 15x9 pixel icon bitmaps (2 level lineart). Note that the bottom 10 pixels of the large icon will not be displayed by the Palm launcher (not my fault!).

All html should have a .html extension, and all images should have .gif. IMPORTANT: although the images have a .gif extension (for web compatability), they should be raw pnm files (The GIMP and Image Magick can handle them).

pqadecompile is invoked as pqadecompile <pqafile>

pqacompile is invoked as pqacompile <pqafile> <version> <title> <input file(s)>

pqafile is the file to be output
version is the version of the PQA (this comes in handy when revisions are made)
title is the name displayed in the launcher on the PalmVII
input file(s) is a list of files to be encoded into the PQA. Any file explicitly listed here WILL be encoded, even if it is not referenced. The first listed file will be the page initially displayed by the app. Any files referenced in the html files specified will also be included (hyperlinks with href or src =file:// hyperlinks with href or src =http:// will be accessed over the web at run time.)