man psk-crack (Commandes) - Crack IKE Aggressive Mode Pre-Shared Keys


psk-crack - Crack IKE Aggressive Mode Pre-Shared Keys


psk-crack [options] <psk-parameters-file> [<dictionary-file>]

The <psk-parameters-file> argument specifies the file containing the pre-shared key parameters in colon seperated hex format as generated by ike-scan with the --pskcrack option.

The <dictionary-file> argument is only required when psk-crack is operating in dictionary cracking mode (which is the default mode). When psk-crack is operating in brute-force cracking mode, you do not need to specify a dictionary file.


psk-crack attempts to crack IKE Aggressive Mode pre-shared keys that have been previously gathered using ike-scan with the --pskcrack option.

psk-crack can operate in two different modes:

Dictionary cracking mode: this is the default mode in which psk-crack tries each candidate word from the dictionary file in turn until it finds a match, or all the words in the dictionary have been tried.
Brute-force cracking mode: in this mode, psk-crack tries all possible combinations of a specified character set up to a given length.


--help or -h
Display this usage message and exit.
--version or -V
Display program version and exit.
--verbose or -v
Display verbose progress messages.
--md5 or -m
Force MD5 hash type. Normally this is not required because the hash type is automatically determined from the hash length.
--sha1 or -s
Force SHA1 hash type. Normally this is not required because the hash type is automatically determined from the hash length.
--bruteforce=<n> or -B <n>
Select bruteforce cracking up to <n> characters.
--charset=<s> or -c <s>
Set bruteforce character set to <s> Default is "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"


Roy Hills <>