man pvanal (Commandes) - converts a soundfile into a series of short-time Fourier transform frames


pvanal - converts a soundfile into a series of short-time Fourier transform frames


pvanal [ -n<frmsiz> ] [ -w<windfact> | -h<hopsize> ] [ -g| -G<latch> ] [ -v| -V txtfile ] inputSoundfile outputFFTfile

csound -U pvanal [ -n<frmsiz> ] [ -w<windfact> | -h<hopsize> ] [ -g| -G<latch> ] [ -v| -V txtfile ] inputSoundfile outputFFTfile


Fourier analysis for the Csound pvoc generator.

iwinsize is set internally to double the FFT size.


Override the sampling rate in the soundfile header. The default if neither is specified is 10000
Channel number. The default is 1.
Time in seconds to begin analysis. Default is 0.0.
Duration in seconds. Default is the entire file.
STFT frame size: the number of samples in each Fourier analysis frame. This must be a power of two in the range 16 to 16384. The default framesize is the smallest power of two that corresponds to more than 20 milliseconds of the source (e.g. 256 points at 10 kHz sampling, giving a 25.6 ms frame).
Window overlap factor. Default is 4, meaning each input point occurs in 4 output windows. Do not use with -h
STFT frame offset. The converse of -w
-V txtfile



Csound is documented fully by The Public Csound Manual, available at

Csound is also documented by The Alternative Csound Reference Manual, available at


This manual page was written by Hans Fugal <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).