man q-client (Commandes) - interact with a q-agent


q-client - interact with a q-agent


q-client [ OPTION ... ] put ID [ COMMENT ]

q-client [ OPTION ... ] get [ ID ]

q-client [ OPTION ... ] delete [ ID ]

q-client [ OPTION ... ] list


When q-agent is running, q-client can be used to communicate with it. Secrets can be listed (with list), stored (via put), fetched (using get), and finally removed (by delete)

All commands except list will have the ID as their first argument. This is an arbitrary string used to discern different secrets. Its content is up to you, but it usually pays off to stick to a convention. For example, when dealing with PGP/GPG passphrases, I recommend using the associated key id.

The following options are valid in combination with all commands:

-d, --debug
turn on debugging output
print a usage synopsis, then exit
print version information, then exit


The list command simply prints the meta-data of all known secrets, each on one line. The lines contain the following fields seperated by TAB:

the identification

the date/time in ISO format, when the secret will be forgotten, or none if there is no deadline

options enabled on the secret (insure, for example)

an attached comment


To store a secret with the agent, the put command is used. It takes an ID, optionally followed by a COMMENT, as arguments.

The following options apply to put:

-i, --insure
every time the agent is queried about this secret, it will ask for permission by popping up a dialog window. Note that if the agent is not running with access to a windowing system, the secret is virtually inaccessible.
-t, --time-to-live N
instructs the agent to automatically forget this secret in N seconds.
-q, --query-options OPTIONS
if the secret is queried with the help of an external program, the OPTIONS are passed to that program. The only viable option right now is --no-global-grab (or -g in short), which prevents grabbing of the keyboard until the query window is focused. (See secret-query(1) for details.)


Retrieval of a secret (specified by an ID) is accomplished with the get command. The secret is printed to STDOUT, unless STDOUT is a terminal - to prevent dumb errors.


delete instructs the agent to immediately forget the secret tagged by ID.


q-client will use this variable to find the socket for communicating with the agent.



Robert Bihlmeyer <>


Copyright © 2000 Robert Bihlmeyer

This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is no warranty; not even for merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.