man retchmail (Commandes) - The world's most stupidly fast POP3 retriever.


retchmail - The world's most stupidly fast POP3 retriever.


retchmail -d | -dd | -q | -qq | -c | -V | -E | -F |

-t deliverto | fromacct..."


retchmail is a stupidly fast mail retriever, similar to the fetchmail(1) program, except that it is blazingly fast, and only handles POP3 and POP3s (POP3 over SSL).

When retchmail starts, it first loads its configuration from ~/.retchmail/retchmail.conf, which contains basic information about the accounts, mailboxes, etc.

It will then go out and retrieve all of the mail from those accounts.


Several options are recognized by retchmail.

Run in quiet mode (Don't print every message header)
Run in REALLY quiet mode (only print error messages)
-c [config_moniker]
Run retchmail with config_moniker as the configuration file (instead of ini:$HOME/.retchmail/retchmail.conf).
Explode a multidrop mailbox and deliver mail to the users that X-Envelope-To says to.
Flush all messages after downloading - you probably want to make sure this is on the command line, or else you will keep downloading the same messages over and over and over and (you get the idea).
Prints the current retchmail version information and exits.
Displays debug information for troubleshooting retchmail
Displays a lot of debug information for troubleshooting retchmail. Use this option when reporting any bugs or problems with the program.


Probably very few, but if you find any, please report them to <>.

Also, there is now a mailing list for discussion about retchmail. If you are having problems, or have anything else to say, send e-mail to <>.


Configuration file which contains account, passwords and delivery information. See retchmail.conf(5).


Avery Pennarun and Patrick Patterson for Net Integration Technologies Inc., as part of the NetIntegrator project.


MJ Ray for Luminas Ltd added APOP, as part of internal systems development.