man rgb2gif (Commandes) - Program to convert 24 bit images to a GIF.


rgb2gif - Program to convert 24 bit images to a GIF.


rgb2gif [-q] [-c #Colors] [-1] -s Width Height [-h] RGBFile


A program to convert 24 bit images to a GIF image using color quantization.

If no RGBFile is given, RGB2Gif will try to read a GIF file from stdin.


Quiet mode. Defaulte off on MSDOS, on under UNIX. Controls printout of running scan lines. Use -q- to invert. Specifies number of colors to use, in bits per pixels, so '-c 8' specifies actually 256 colors (maximum and default). Only one file in the format of RGBRGB... triplets (Each of R, G, B is a byte) is read from input. This file size is 3 * Width * Height (see '-s' below. If stdin is used for input, this option is implicitly applied. The default (if not '-1') is 3 files with the names RGBFile.R, RGBFile.G, RGBFile.B, each of which is Width * Height bytes. Specifies the size of the image to read. Print one line of command line help, similar to Usage above.



The GIFLIB distribution is Copyright (c) 1997 Eric S. Raymond


Gershon Elber

Eric S. Raymond <>